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I was in the hotel in San Diego when my phone rang, it was Shawn.

"Hello?" I said, answering the call.
"Hi mommy" I heard India say.
"Hi Alicia, what's going on? Is everyone okay?" I asked
"Mommy, we're okay. But daddy is with a girl." She muttered
"What? It's probably just his friend honey." I sighed, dreading what was about to happen. 
"But he kissed her on the lips and told me to stay downstairs with Elle, Mollie and Maddie." She sounded confused.
"Who is home?" I asked.
"Me, Elle, Mollie, Maddie, Daddy and a girl." She replied.
"What does this girl look like?"
"She has black hair. Daddy called her Camila or something I didn't really listen. I'm sorry mommy." She sniffed. 
"Hey! You don't need to be sorry princess. I need you to help me, go to the pictures on the wall and find the one with me and Daddy, I am wearing a black dress. Is the girl stood next to me in that photo the same girl that daddy is with?" I heard her little feet shuffle around the house.
"Mommy they look the same." She replied and I sighed.
"Okay thank you baby." I said as rage filled my body.
"I'm sorry mommy." Alicia cried..
"It's okay baby, don't be sorry. You have't done anything wrong. I need you to go and watch our sisters okay? Your nearly 4 now, your a big girl."
"Okay! I love you" She said.
"I love you too, bye!" I  whispered and ended the call.

I opened google and looked at flights to Los Angeles. It was either a 45 minute flight or a 2 hour drive and I wanted to get home as quick as possible. I booked a flight from San Diego international airport to LAX that departed in an hour. I opened the wardrobe and threw my clothes into my suitcase. I went into the bathroom and grabbed my toiletries and put them into the suitcase as well. I zipped it up and grabbed my purse. I checked out of the hotel room and called an uber to the airport.

I checked into the flight and went through security. The flight was boarding so I got on the plane. I paid for the WiFi and went onto Instagram. The plane journey was very quick and before I knew it, we had landed. I collected my bag and called an uber to go home.

As I pulled up outside, I saw an unfamiliar car parked outside. I opened the front door and saw Shawn stood in the middle of the living room with his arms around someone. I walked inside ad quietly closed the door. I looked again and my heart sunk to my feet. His neck was covered in hickeys and so was hers.

"Daddy, what about mommy?" I heard Alicia ask
"She isn't here. And I will be very angry if you tell her." He growled at her.
"But it's not fair." She cried and he pulled away from Camilla.
"Shut the fuck up." He snapped and she began to cry more. "Stop crying, right now."

He turned his back to her and she sunk into the sofa.
"Same time tomorrow?" Camilla asked him
"I don't know" Shawn sighed, he looked away from her and I saw him glancing at a photo of me. He shrugged her hands off his shoulders.
"See you tomorrow then?" She pleaded, almost begging for his attention.

"I don't fucking think so." I stated  walking towards them.
"What-Shawn you said she was away." Camilla stuttered.
"Get your hands off him." I said, "In fact just get out of my house."
"But-"She began.
"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. NOW." I yelled and threw her keys at her. She caught them and scurried past me out of the door.
"Kylie, babe I can explain." Shawn spluttered. I walked straight past him, over to India and the triplets. As I id walk past him, I could smell the alcohol on his clothing and his breath. I knew he was drunk, and potentially violent.
"Come on, it's late. Let's get you up to bed." I sniffed and they all stood up off the sofa. We walked upstairs and I went into the triplets room and helped them get changed. I put them into their beds and they fell asleep. I then went into India's room. She was already asleep so I kissed her and closed the door.

I heard a smash come from downstairs and I ignored it, knowing it was Shawn. I walked down the stairs and got my suitcase. I had dragged it over towards the stairs when Shawn spoke.
"Baby, I'm sorry. Let me explain." He pleaded.
I ignored him and began to drag my suitcase up the stairs. I felt a hand grab my wrist and give it a sharp pull. I winced in pain and turned around to see Shawn staring at me, trying to get me to talk.
"Don't touch me." I muttered and used my free hand to peel him off my wrist. I took the case upstairs and dragged it into the bedroom. Shawn followed me in.

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