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5 weeks later... 
I woke up to Shawn pulling me close to him. 
"Morning," I said and snuggled into his bare chest. 
"Babe, we get married tomorrow!" He said "TOMORROW" 
"I know, I can't wait." I said, smiling at Shawn. 
"Holy shit, today is the last day that we are engaged" He said and gently kissed my forehead. 
Shawn got out of bed and helped me out. We went to get the triplets out of their beds. 
"Can you believe they are almost one?" I said, opening their door. 
"I know, it's mental" 

We picked the babies up out of their cribs and we took them downstairs to feed them. The girls were placed in their seats and Shawn began to heat up their bottles while I ran upstairs and got Alicia. I brought her downstairs and let her pick out which cereal she wanted. She chose some lucky charms and I prepared her some. I gave them to her and she sat at the table and ate them. We then bottle fed the triplets and took all the kids upstairs to be dressed. I dressed Alicia and Mollie and Shawn dressed Maddie and Elle. I then heard my mom and dad walk through the front door. 
"Hello?" My mom called
"Hi Lisa." Shawn shouted "We're just changing the kids."
"Okay honey." She replied. 
I grabbed Mollie and Alicia walked after me. We went into the triplets room and saw that Shawn had dressed Elle and was just finishing dressing Maddie. 
"Here, I'll take her." I said to Shawn as I got Maddie. "Alicia, Nana and Paps are here!" 
"Nana! Paps!" She shouted and went downstairs. I followed her with Mollie and Maddie. 

"Hello angel" My mom said as Alicia ran at her. 
"Hi dad" I smiled at my father and he gave me a hug. 
"Do you want me to have one of them?" He asked me
"Sure, can you have Mollie?" I asked him and he gently grabbed Mollie out of my arms. He walked with her towards the box of toys in the corner of the room. 
"Hello Ky." My mom said and gave me a hug. 
"Hi mom." I smiled. I heard Grayson come downstairs and he placed his hand on my shoulder. 
"Hi Lisa." He said and kissed me on the cheek. 
"I can't believe that you two are getting married tomorrow!" She said. 
"I know, it seems like its only been a month since we got engaged." Shawn replied. 
"Dad, have you wrote your speech yet?" I asked him. 
"Yeah." He said, focusing on reading a book to Mollie.
"He has had it prepared for 3 months." My mom smiled, "It upsets him. He is immensely proud of you Ky but you are his little girl and now you're all grow up." 
 "I know." I smiled. "Shawn, we need to get changed!" 
"Oh shit yeah," He said and looked at Elle. 
"Here, I'll have her." My dad said, gently getting Elle from his arms and taking her over to Mollie. 
I walked and put Maddie next to her sisters and said, "Alicia, stay with nana and paps okay?"
She smiled and nodded and me and Shawn ran upstairs. 

I slipped on my jeans with a crop top and one of Shawn's hoodies.  He also put on jeans and a hoodie. We grabbed our phones and went downstairs. 
"Thank you for having them mom." I smiled at my mom, who was holding Elle.
"It's always a pleasure Ky." She replied. 
"Bye Alicia! See you later!" Shawn called out. 
"Bye Daddy and Mommy." She said and ran and hugged us. "Guess what?"
"What?" I said, giving her a kiss. 
"Paps said I can get a McDons for lunch." She said and giggled. 
"Really?" Shawn said, playing with her little joke 
"Yep!" She smiled and walked away. 
"See you in a bit." I called and we grabbed our keys and left. 

Shawn began to drive towards the wedding reception. We were getting married in the Le Foyer Ballroom & Lounge in North Hollywood. I interlaced my fingers with Shawn's.
"Can you believe it?" He said
"I know. I can't wait to get married."
"What are you doing with your last name?" He asked. I had never told him so he must have been curious. 
"I'm going to become Mrs Kylie Mendes." I smiled
"Wait really?" He said 
"Yeah, why would I keep Dolan? I'm marrying you now so I am a Mendes."
"That's so fucking awesome. I love you." He smiled
"I love you too. Have you written your vows?" 
"Yep. Have you?" He replied, pulling up to the venue.
"Yeah, they are kind of long though." 
We laughed and got out of the car. 

5 hours later, we had finished talking to the wedding planner. We drove home and I went upstairs and grabbed my overnight bag that I had already packed for tonight. I kissed Shawn goodbye and me and my mom drove back to the venue with the four girls. We met Emma, Aaliyah, Lauren and Shawn's mom Karen and we went up to the big room that we were staying in for the night. There was a bridal suite booked for me and Shawn tomorrow night and a few rooms booked for our family and friends. 

We spent the rest of the night chilling in the room. The nail services came and did our nails for tomorrow and we ordered Chinese and watched movies. There was 4 double beds, My mom and Cameron, Aaliyah and Karen, Lauren and Emma and Me and Alicia all shared the beds and the triplets were sleeping in travel cots in the middle of the room.

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