Perfect dancers

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Perfectionist anorexic p.o.v  


I felt the gross taste rise in my mouth and spill. Watching it go down the spiral of water. Diet pills. I take the rest of the 5 in one swallow. Please work. I check the mirror. I don't even have abs. Why do the others lie and say I do? Then again why do I say I'm fine? We're all liers. Good ones too. I'm sick of trying to be perfect for everyone but I won't stop til I'm perfect. I won't stop til I'm better than I was yesterday no matter how many yesterdays that is. Stupid scars. Good thing their so easy to hide. I could dance for hours with the others but if I fuck it up in front of everyone I break down and people see the true pain I feel shine through. I can tell BigHit doesn't like it. What even do they like about us? Our looks? Our singing? Our dancing? We're just more money makers, pretty boys, distractions. We're all of that to them. Oh if only I could die in this moment never again to feel the stinging pain of knowing I'm a flawed human and not the god that everyone sees me as. Can't someone end my suffering? Do I even deserve for it to end. 

Depressed Perfectionist 


I can't even remember when the last time I've had decent sleep was. The music has repeated so many times that I could do their verses if I felt like it. The songs and coreo are on loop In my head. The pain of separation from my purpose. The fear of failing my job. I know he feels it too. We both have issues with wanting to be perfect. Can't he see he's better than me? I geuss it doesn't matter as long as I can fix my mistakes and become perfect again. Was I ever to begin with? I never want to be the flaw in a flawless coreo I never want to be the rotten apple. I'm tired of saying I'm happy being the faith in everyone's hearts being the bright light in a room. My candle is burnt out but my legs will still move until I've served my purpose or I give up and die.

Both p.o.v


Are we still your perfect God's? 

(Hope you liked leave as many geusses as you want!) 

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