Dream? (Happy ending 1)

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Jungkook's p.o.v


I awoke in bed to a bunch of voices yell "surprise!" I opened my eyes in shock at the voices at sat up. In front of me we're six boys. No... "Am I dead?" I asked them. They laughed. "No silly!" Jimin yelled smiling at me. My heart raced. "Jimin all of you oh my god your all alive." Taehyung rolled his eyes. "well duh!* I jumped up running to Jimin hugging his extremely skinny body. "Don't starve yourself anymore Jimin your perfect the way you are and we love you. I love you I know I don't say it enough but I promise you from now on I'll say it everyday. I grabbed a handful on cake from the surprise can they made me and shoved it in Jimin's mouth and covers his mouth with my frosting covered hand. "Swallow that or else." He swallowed. "good now I'm not leaving you alone so you won't puke it up." 

I then ran to Seokjin and hugged him. "You don't need to pretend anymore because your real friends are still here and as long as I'm around I promise I'll make sure we all get better ill make sure your imagination becomes reality!" I handed him his camera that I found under my bed. 

I ran to Taehyung hugging him tightly. "You don't need to be afraid or angry I promise you I'll protect you and we will get your mother out of your abusive dad's house and neither of you will ever have to see him again. I love you Taehyung." I blushed. 

I then ran to Yoongi. "You don't have to act tough all the time if you keep all your emotions bottled up and drink the pain away you'll never get the chance to tell Jimin you love him and by the time your ready you could loose him. I love you so much and even if your not with me I have Taehyung and I'm grateful your alive. Without you I'd be so broken." 

I then hugged Hoseok tightly. "You don't need to be perfect your perfect how you are! You don't need painkillers to take the pain away you need hugs and love and to heal your emotional wounds. Don't even ever begin to think the world would be better off without it's sunshine." 

Then lastly I hugged Namjoon. "You don't need to try so hard you do deserve a break but you also can't run from your problems I promise I'll do everything to help you." I backed away to see them all tearing up. I looked down. 

"I love you all and I just realized how horrible life would be if you all died. I'd die too. I had a nightmare. In it I discovered many things. One that I'm in love with four of you. Two that loosing you is something I couldn't bare to live with and three that no matter what happens I'll be their for you all because the world needs people like you. Perfect, sweet, loving, amazing people like you. In my nightmare you all died one by one. I lost everything I loved. First Jimin, then Jin, then Taehyung, then Yoongi, then Hoseok, then Namjoon, then me. 

I fell in love 4 times and 2 times the feelings were mutual. Then I lost them no matter how much love their was. I can't have that happen in real life. So I have a confession. Taehyung I've had a crush on you for so fucking long I forget when I first fell in love. Yoongi I learned to love you over time but I thought you hated me and only loved Jimin so I wouldn't itmit it, Jimin I loved you ever sense I met you. You never seemed interested so I left you alone no matter how I felt. Lastly I love you seokjin but I know someone who loves you more than I do and that's Namjoon. You need to realize what you mean to him. Namjoon treat him right okay? I love him and he means alot to me." 

They all cried even Yoongi and Namjoon. "That must've been one hell of a nightmare Jesus Jungkook you made me cry!" Yoongi laughed whipping his eyes. "Jungkook whyyy you made me cry!" Taehyung commented sobbing with a smile. "You really love us?" Jimin asked and I nodded. "I never had the ability to tell you til I realized how easy it was to loose you." Taehyung hugged me tightly. "You should have told me sooner! I love you Jungkook!" I laughed through my own tears. "Better sooner than too a headstone." He hugged me tighter at those words and we pulled away and I saw Yoongi turn to Jimin. 

"He was right. I love you Jimin I was just too prideful to itmit how I felt." Jimin then walked up to Yoongi and kissed him and me and Taehyung cheired and then we all turned to face Namjoon and Jin. 

"Wahhh! No nu uh I don't think so I don't like him!" Jin yelled and me and Jimin pouted and he groaned. "Fine." Then he mumbled. "Namjoon I love you." Namjoon smirked. "what's that I don't hear anything?" Jin glared. "I'm not repeating myself." He kissed Namjoon and Namjoon kissed back and we a clapped and wistled then people turned towards me and Yoongi. "but I have Tae." Yoongi nodded. "and I have Jimin." Taehyung and Jimin smiled saying in sync. "We don't mind after all we like each other." Yoongi's eyes widened. "This has been the most eventful morning I've ever s-" he was cut off by me kissing him and he kissed back as soon as he realized what was happening. 

He pulled away. "WOULD YOU AND JIMIN STOP CUTTING ME OFF WITH KISSES!" We laughed. "In your dreams now why did I get a surprise today?" They laughed. "it's your birthday!" This is the best day ever and I had no longer cared about that nightmare because with the love we share now nothing will ever tear us apart. 

(Might be a part 2 to this ending!) 

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