Drunk again

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Jungkook pov


I had gotten over my fear of being outside and spent alot of time at Taehyungs grave I puked less often at the thought of him and saw him alive in my memories more clearly. Yoongi is currently at rehab working through his alcoholic tendencies. I'm very proud of him. Or at least I was. 

Here I am watching a drunk Yoongi Stumble into the house. I began yelling at him "what happened to rehab?! We had a deal min Yoongi!" He glared. "Don't tick me off Jungkook!" I growled. "Tick you off?! You promised me! You sealed it like I did with Taehyung! You broke my god damn heard are you fucking happy?" He scoffed. "don't talk to me like we're married!" 

My mouth hung open and my eyes widen and I scoff. "Married? I haven't even dated you yet and I probably would have if you kept your damn promise! You made me go through exrucuating pain to get over my fears in hopes you'd get over your fucking addiction but here you are stumbling in our house with alcohol!" 

Yoongi shoved me away. "Who said this was our house Jungkook?!" My heart shattered and tears welled up in my eyes. "I thought we had something I thought you loved me but I was clearly fucking wrong! Your right this isn't my house but I sure as hell thought it was ours." He glared. "Yeah right like I'd share my home with you." Tears streamed down my face. "You know what I don't live here do I? So I'll fucking leave! Don't go looking for me and don't you dare come to the graveyard if I catch you near the ones I loves graves i swear to God Yoongi!" I grabbed my things shoving them in a backpack as Yoongi seemed to realize his mistake. 

He hugged me from behind and I ripped his arms off me. "Don't fucking touch me." He gave me a sad look. "Baby I'm sorry you know how I get when I'm drunk I didn't mean it." I laughed with an angry expression and turned around to face him and shoved him. "Don't call me baby I'm not your boyfriend and you wouldn't be drunk if you kept your fucking promise!" He growled and shoved me onto the bed crawling on top of me. 

"Baby please don't leave me. You don't understand how unstable I am right now and it's worse without you." I kneed him in the dick and shoved him off me. He still reached for me. "Please you don't understand. Jungkook I love you." I glared. "Goodbye Yoongi." I said slamming the door in his face as I stormed off to the grave yard. 

That's our first fight in years we haven't fought barely sense after Jimin's death. This is probably the worst it's been. I kinda felt bad for leaving him like that but he was right he's unstable when he's drunk and I don't deserve to be treated badly by him. I will itmit if he wasn't such an asshole I'd itmit I love him back but now he's pushed me away. 

It's even worse sense he promised and sealed it like I used to with Taehyung. Yoongi was lucky I taught him that handshake to begin with. I hate his ass so fucking much right now but at the same time Deep down I know I love him. 

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