Unexpected accident

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Hoseok's p.o.v


I thought I was fine. I thought I was over it. Here I am. Holding the pills. "It's not going to be okay. Pain killers will take the pain away." I lifted another three to my mouth after taking five. Maybe this will kill me. I lifted a glass of water to my mouth throwing the pills in taking the water and swallowing. I almost choked but kept it down. I grew dizzy and my stomach hurt til I was hunched over the toilet expelling the pills back up from which they came. The stomach acid burning my throat and my mind getting fuzzier and fuzzier. It grew darker as the bathroom door creaked open and I collapsed. Darkness consumed me.

Taehyung p.o.v


I had gone with Namjoon, Jin and Jungkook to check on Hoseok we planned to celebrate Jungkook learning to stand without help but when I walked to the door I realised I wasnt getting an answer. I opened the door and walked inside. I heard retching from the bathroom and feared he had overdosed again. Pushing my fears back I slowly opened the door with Namjoon behind me only for my fears to be realised when. I saw Hoseok passed out in a pool of red colored vomit. Fearing he was dead like Jimin. I ran to check his pulse. It was faint. 

Namjoon said he'd call 911 but I feared I'd be found out for killing my dad somehow so I helped him carry Hoseok to the car. Jin and Jungkook had been waiting for us to tell them to come in. We pulled him in the car and Jin and Jungkook panicked asking questions. I blocked them out hearing faintly that Namjoon answered them and I started the car. Speeding to the hospital. When we arrived they loaded him on a stretcher and hauled him off to the emergency room. 

We all panicked for hours as we sat in the waiting room. I texted Yoongi sense he usually listened to me and told him Hoseok was in the hospital. I never got a reply and sighed he didn't care about Hoseok. I grew angry about it but I was too worried about Hoseok to lash out at Yoongi. Eventually the doctor walked out and our hearts leaped into our throats.

"Your Jung Hoseoks friends?" We nodded. "um. This is going to be hard to tell you. Beilive me I don't want to ever have to say this to people. It's the hardest part of my job but your friend is in a coma. We don't know when and if he'll recover." My heart sank only to drop compleatly with what he said next. "He could die." I could see Namjoon's pain and sorrow, I saw Jin break and his world crumble around him as he reverted to his old ways of pretending going back to his imagination land. I saw as Jungkook seemed to give up. The excitement he had for being able to stand again died as he looked at the ground with hollow eyes.

And I? I can't describe how I feel. Sad, angry, confused, betrayed, pained. I feel all the emotions swirl and I don't know what to do. "Can we visit him?" Namjoon asked and Jungkook looked up hopefully at the man, almost desperate. I decided to comfort Jungkook by placing my hand on his shoulder. He never averted his gaze to look at me. Unfazed by my hand. "You may." At those words we raced to Hoseok's room. Walking in our hearts stopped seeing him with a feeding tube down his throat and multiple wires and machines surrounding him. 

I almost wanted to rip them all out and make the pain go away. We couldn't. Jungkook tried standing up and walking but the depression affected him so bad that he limply fell. I caught him and hugged him close while he gripped my hoodie sobbing. "Shh. It'll be okay." I hated lying but he needed reassurance. I petted his hair and kissed his head setting him down in his wheelchair and grabbing his hand placing it ontop of Hoseok's chest. He looked at me sad and confused. "See still a heartbeat. He's still with us." 

Jungkook smiled sadly at me. He was happy that I was trying to help him. I could still see him pained I took his hand and placed it on Hoseok's. "Just hold his hand Jungkook. I'm sure he's just as scared as you in his coma. He might be just stuck in a bad dream. Try and comfort him so at least he's comfortable in his long sleep. Beilive that one day he'll wake up okay? Do it for me." He hugged me again. "Thank you." I nodded and he went back to holding Hoseok's hand staring at him and glancing at his beeping heart monitor.

"The pain of loosing one friend is unimaginable but loosing one friend having one in a coma and the rest depressed or unfixable is an unberable torment in which we can't escape. We will love and miss you Park Jimin but please don't let Hoseok join you. If you see him. Tell him to return to us." I wisper looking out at the stars. Jungkook asleep on my shoulder and Jin and Namjoon asleep on separate couches. I sighed kissing Jungkooks head before falling asleep listening to the beeps of my dear friends heart monitor and staring at his peacefully coma trapped body. 

"Goodnight Hoseok...Goodnight Jimin" I wisper before falling asleep with my arms around Jungkook.

(Sorry if I don't update for awhile schools started Soo.)

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