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Namjoon's p.o.v 


I lost seokjin. The love of my life. My last hope at a smile after Jimin's death. Hoseok's coma was hard to handle but now I have lost the last thing that made me happy. My few friends are all I have now to keep me alive. I stayed with him a whole 3 hours after his death until they took him from me. When they did I screamed so hard I puked and passed out. My heart couldn't take the pain. I read somewhere you could die from a broken heart. It must be a lie because I'm not dead. They kept me in the hospital because I seemed to unstable to leave. 

I sighed staring at the white wall. I just stopped crying but I know as soon as Jins face reappears in my mind I'll be back to sobbing. Yoongi came to visit me. He knew how I felt so he started coming around ever so often. We cried together over Jin and one time over Jimin. I still try and think of why he did it when he did. I looked down and a tear fell silently. I had become to broken to cry. 

I heard the door click and Jungkook walked in. "Hey." He sat down in the chair next to my hospital bed. "I thought I'd wait til you calmed down. I don't blame you for crying so long. I've been crying too. I know how bad it hurts. So the day we know who. I was at Jimin's house like you asked. I was about to leave when I came across Jins camera. I found clips of Jimin but then I found one Jin took before he died. He was in Jimin's house." 

I tugged at my restraints. "Please show me! Jungkook please." I begged with an almost fear in my eyes and voice. After watching the video I sobbed. "He left. He died before I could-" my voice was cut off by my lip quivering and I broke down Jungkook hugged me crying as well. "I know I know." 

Yoongi's p.o.v 


I sat between Jin and Jimin's graves. I was busy planting Lilly's and Daisy's for Jin. "Look Jimin I decorated his grave like I did yours. Isn't it pretty? Don't you love it Jin?" I was slightly drunk my eyes glossy with tears. "Namjoon wishes he we're here with you Jin. Just wait he has to get out of the hospital first. Don't worry he's not sick he's just upset. He will come for you soon." My voice cracked and I cried. "You two really should w-wake up. We miss you." I cried taking another swig of my alcohol. I drank so much that I finally fell asleep. 

Taehyung p.o.v 


To put it lightly I want to die. I want to kill myself. I can't live. Not without Jimin not without Jin not without Hoseok and now I think they might die next. I can't live to watch Jungkook die. I love him too. Jungkook is the last thing alive I have left to love. I can't feel this pain anymore. It feels like I'm meeting my vocal cords no longer work from the straining cries I've let out. I sleep at Jungkooks house because he's now become scared that he'll lose me. But I'm way more scared I'll lose him so I might as well kill myself. I can't stand losing the last three people I have. 

I won't do it today. But theirs no promise tomorrow. 

Jungkook's p.o.v


I left Namjoon after we cried together. My heart stung from losing Jin I feel as though I've cried all my tears away so now my cries are sad hiccups. I decided tonight I'll tell Taehyung that I love him and that I also loved Jimin so that if I lose him at least he'd know I loved him. I'm terrified to loose him. I make him stay at my place so we can cuddle and cry together. He always knows how to keep me calm. I feel like if I loose him. I'll die too. I'm also worried about Namjoon I hope he's okay. But for now I gotta tell Taehyung. 

I woke him and told him how I felt we hugged and cried and he said he loved me and Jimin too. He said that loosing Jimin was extremely hard and that he couldnt bare to loose me too. I told him I felt the same and he smiled sadly and looked away. What is he hiding from me? I'll have to figure it out tomorrow. I hope it doesn't snow like the weather man says. I want to visit Jins grave with Tae. 

(SORRY I HAVNT UPDATED. I actually not only have been busy but...I had a suicide attempt so it's been hard on me but im here and I updated I hope you liked it!)

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