Turn for the worst

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Perfectionist with anorexia (Jimin)


I throw up again. Namjoon forced me to eat earlier. I refused and he forced me so here I am getting rid of it. I hate my thoughts because I know their right. I glare at the mirror and relise how ugly I look when I glare. I fucked up another performance today. I went back to ballet and I messed it up. My harsh instructor yelled at me after and it didn't make me feel any better. I pray that one day I'll collapse and die of starvation. Who knows maybe it'll happen. I haven't eaten in 10 days aside from an hour ago out of force. Suddenly the world goes black.

Depressed and lost  (Jungkook)


I remember why I started drinking. The day Jimin died. The prices don't fit together do they? They don't make sense? They don't to me either but Jimin has been dead for two days now and in the span of those days their has been fights and utter chaos. Jin faced the hard reality that Jimin is dead and he beat up Taehyung out of anger. It happened only a few hours ago. Namjoon forced me to drink more than I can handle and I got in a fight with Yoongi. We've had a few fights but non this bad. He's an alcoholic too. We both keep trying to stabilize each other but it won't work. 

That's when I decided to walk out. I couldn't handle it. I was too drunk and too confused. Jimin was dead. I couldn't bring him back. We all had issues from it. I let my feet carry me. Jin must have came looking for me. He must not have seen me drunkenly walk into the street I remember screatching and then it stopped. I remember waking up and now I'm sitting in a wheelchair crying still questioning why everything happened, the fights, the drinking. Jimin's death. I knew Yoongi loved him but his drinking himself to death over it. 

Jin and Hoseok are probably next to die. I can see all of us dying one by one. I hope I don't have to stick around and watch them all die. Especially Taehyung. We used to be so close. 

Empathetic (Jin)


I've messed it up. I moved back to where I came from too scared to face the boys after what I did to Taehyung and Jungkook. Namjoon is a mess and he's grown evil and Hoseok isn't enough to keep me there. I hated myself. I started playing pretend again. Praying one day that maybe the Jimin I imagine will become real and his death will have all been a nightmare.

Depressed Perfectionist (Hoseok) 


Jimin's death affected us all. Jin left us and taehyung and Yoongi have lost their minds. Nobody knows how Jungkook got hit but Taehyung is determined to find and kill whoever it was. Yoongi drinks so often that he's bound to die of alcohol poisoning and Namjoon's broken beyond repair. Evil. He forced Jungkook to drink til he puked. We're all falling apart without Jimin and we were already torn to begin with 

Angry alcoholic (Yoongi) 


Jimin is dead. The words kill me Everytime they sink in. I can't take it I just can't handle it! We all can't but I loved him. Now he's dead. I couldn't save him. 

Angry bipolar (Taehyung) 


I walk to my dad's in anger. I didn't want to go home but I had too. The anger caught up with me. It all happened so fast. The addrinalin, the blood, the screams, the screams stopping. I killed him. When it caught up to me I cried calling the only person I ever knew to help me when I'm dealing with these types of things. The only person who could help me in a time like this. I listened to the phones rings and a hello on the other side of the phone. 


(Wonder why theirs no Namjoon's p.o.v? Make geusses if you'd like!)

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