He helps

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Jungkook's p.o.v


It's been 2 months 3 days 10hrs and 28minutes sense Taehyungs death I know this because I do the math constantly to know down to the second he died. I have been curled up in Yoongi's house ever sense and I haven't left the room once and the first few days after Taehyungs death I ended up pissing myself cuz I refused to leave my corner. I'm able to at least get up to use the bathroom or to move to the bed or couch. Sometimes Yoongi let's me play on his phone sense in my rage I threw it into the stream near the graveyard. 

I sat their going through his pictures because he didn't care. After a few moments of looking at the pictures he took of the flowers he planted for Jin, Taehyung and Jimin. He even let me pick out which flowers to plant for Taehyung. I decided to go with white Lilly's and some of the flowers I knew he loved. I sighed setting the phone down. 

Yoongi walked in carrying two glasses one of ice water and the other of whiskey. He set his whiskey down and brought me my ice water. I took a drink and set it down on the intable next to his couch and I stood up weakly and slowly. The PTSD and shock had practically recrippled me. I stood and timidly walked to Yoongi's couch but I saw him motion for me to sit next to him. So with fear in my heart I slowly sat next to him. I had developed a stutter from all the trauma. "Y-y-yes yoo-yoo-yoongi?" 

He weakly smiled and held up a potted plant. "I borrowed this from Taehyung I promised him I'd bring it back tommarow and that you just needed to see how pretty the flower was." I started to cry and I gently set the flower pot down on the table and hugged Yoongi tightly. "T-t-t-tha-thank you..." He smiled. "Of course Jungkook." I then looked at Yoongi and something sparked in me. No...not after what happened...I geuss I loved Yoongi to begin with anyways but him looking after me made my affection toward him grow. 

Yet it will never overpower my love for Jimin and Taehyung and his love for me will never be overpowering to his love for Jimin. I geuss we have a silent love for each other. I sobbed. "I miss him so much." He rubbed my back almost akwardly sense he wasn't used to being nice."I know." Is all he said. "Want food? I don't have much sense I'm never home but I can make instant ramen?" I sighed. 

I shook my head no timidly. He sighed lifting up my shirt. I would blush but I'm too broken. "Your getting very skinny Jungkook." I sighed looking away. "Y-y-yeah s-so?* He looked away. "Nothing also I got you a phone that way I can have mine back and you can text me when I'm at the graveyard if you need anything." I nodded. "T-t-t-tha-thanks." He handed my the phone and left. 

Living with Yoongi has been a pleasure but living without the people I loved and had crushes on for so long Jimin Taehyung and Seokjin has been the worst. At least I have Yoongi. He's all I have left to love now. I stared at Taehyungs flower. What pretty flowers he grew. I'm so happy I have Yoongi. "I-i-i pro-promise on-one d-d-d-day I'll v-vi-visit yo-you." I spoke softly as I layed staring at the flower. I dripped some ice water from my glass off my fingers that I dipped in. "Here's s-s-so-some wat-ter." 

My eyes grew heavy as I waited for Yoongi. I texted him I'd probably be asleep when he came back and he replied with a 'good you need some sleep.' and then I drifted off as I began to fall asleep. I set my phone down and drifted off to sleep.

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