It's Chris-mas time! pt 2

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"dad? what are you doing here?"

"I cant see my beautiful daughter?" he said coming in .

"sweetheart who is this?" chris said behind me.

"uh chris this is my dad Andrew. dad this my boyfriend chris."

"hi nice to meet you sir." he said shaking his hand.

"young man what's your intentions with my daughter?"

"dad really?" I said rolling my eyes.

"no it's fine sir I've been in love with your daughter for years I plan on marrying her one day sir."

I nodded. " hopefully you two haven't had pre martial sex ."

My eyes widen. "okay dad why don't you introduce us to your friend?"

"oh this is my wife angela... angela this is my one, and only daughter isabelle."

"hi so nice to meet you... you live in a farm house?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"I guess this will do." She said walking in I sighed shutting the door .

"Your dad must be something."

"Can I talk to you for a minute babe?"

"Yeah sure." He said as we both went upstairs.

"We not going to have enough room for everybody ." I sighed . "My mom, and grandma are coming , your parents, my dad." I sighed

"Babe calm down we can make room they can took the rooms while we take the workout room."

"Babe there's no heat will freeze to death. I honestly don't see how you don't get so cold."

"well I did freeze for 100 years." I chuckled.

I sighed.

"listen babe everything is going to work out okay will work something I don't need you to stress okay babe." he said grabbing my waist.

"alright babe." I said hugging him. " why don't we get your parents set up for bed."

"alright love." he said going downstairs as I followed him.

"everything okay honey?" she asked.

"yeah everything is okay mom dad you guys can sleep in the guest room upstairs."

"uh, and were are we going to sleep isabelle?"

"uh..." I sighed. " you can take our room."

"really?" he smiled.

"yeah me, and chris can take the pull out couch."

"good cause this couch is dingy." angela spoke.

"everything okay babe?"

"yeah im giving dad, and angela our room we can take the pull out couch."

"you sure?"

"yeah I just want to make them happy babe." I said going in the other room as he grabbed my arm.

"it isn't just about them izzy it's about you to it's about us I get it you want to make sure everybody is good, but are you good?"

"yeah im fine boo." I said kissing him . " im going to take a shower I got work in the morning."

"alright love."


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