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A/N : Jay Park looks so dam good here 😍🤪💦

"We don't need a car or train
Bus or plane
For where we about to go
All we need is you and me
Sex trip
Sex trip
Let's go all night
Let's go all night
Let go of your body and mine" I sighed turning off my alarm why did jay even make this my alarm .

I woke up feeling the worse cramps ever I knew it was that time of month usually when I'm on my cycle I get very emotional I cry literally about everything I can see a buttefly flying by me, and I cry I'm such a cry baby I just turned on some hot bath water as I received a text from jay.

Jay: hey I'm coming over we gotta talk .

I rolled my eyes he's so demanding . I'm not going to wait for him to come over I'm going to get my big ass in the tub and soak these cramps are starting to bother me.

Me, and Jay have been best friends for two years now basically he was my brother's best friend first before me, and him met for some odd reason he always wanted to hide our friendship it's not like we're a couple if my brother ever found out I'm dating him in the first place he would kill him ... literally .

I would lie, and say I don't have a crush on jay I do, but it's a lot of reasons why we can't be a couple the biggest reason is the age. I'm 19 , and he's 32 he's almost my brother's age if my brother ever found out we were a thing he would kill him then me . Also he's a worldwide rapper, and I heard rappers have a bad reputation in the media so it's another reason why it won't work .

Knowing jay has million of fan girls around I'm just one regular that he wouldn't end with so I know how to control my feelings, and keep them in check around him. I finally got out the tub as I heard a loud knock I sighed placing on my undergarments with just some grey sweats , and a plain t shirt I slipped on my uggs opening the door.

"Jesus the hell took you so long where you been ?, and why is your hair so wet?" He said walking in as I rolled my eyes.

"I had to take a bath I'm feeling so bloated." I said sitting on the couch.

"Want me to make some of my famous soup , and tea?"

"Nah I'll be okay you said we had to talk I figured it was urgent so what's wrong?"

"Basically my parents are going to be in town for the next couple of weeks, and they think I've been seeing someone."

"Okay, and you made me quit my relaxing bath to tell me that?"

"I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend for the next couple weeks only when my parents are around , and events."

"Events?! Jay your like the biggest rapper out there you know that's going to be a bad idea. Plus my brother."

"Your what now 19? Your a young adult you don't need his permission to hang out with me it's not like we never been around each other."

"Yeah around my brother other then that we don't spend time together like that cause I know how my brother is."

"You don't know how your brother is cause you never been alone with me , your a young adult maybe it's time for you to make your own decisions, and stop caring what he thinks I get it he's your brother the only person that basically took care of you, but I promise I'll make it up to you." He said looking at me his beautiful brown eyes were hypnotizing I sighed .

"Fine when do I have to meet your parents?"

"Tonight at 8." He said getting up as my eyes widen.

"Tonight ? Jay I'm bloated I'm crampy the last thing I want to do is meet your parents , and I'm physically exhausted ."

"Alright fine tomorrow night give you plenty of time to rest up. But, it's a few pointers that I might have to point out to you."


"Since your pretending to be mine we have to do couple shit like kiss, and touch." He said as my eyes widen, as I slightly blushed .

"What? Jay this is to much ."

"I know I know , but I promise I won't go to far."

"When you mean by touching I hope we aren't intimate." I said as my cheeks started turning red.

"Oh no not that far just us kissing , and me possibly grabbing your butt or some shit." He said as I blushed.

"Okay maybe just kissing is fine jay." I said getting up.

"Wait hold up why are you so worried you never had boyfriend have you?" He said lifting an eyebrow smirking.

"What I've had plenty of boyfriends I'm well experienced in the dating department." I said folding my arms .

"Now I know you a dam lie I've been knowing you for 3 years , and I know for a fact that you Socorro Rosita Selena Alegre Escobar have never been with a guy so I'm taking that your also a Virgin to?" He said lifting his eyebrow as I started playing with my fingers . "Jesus a Virgin?"

"Is that bad?"

"No that's a good thing dollface majority of these young girls today already lost there virginity before the age of 18. I think it's cute that your not experienced , but I'm going to have a lot fun teasing you tomorrow have a good night princess." He said leaving the room I sighed.

Since he owes me I hope he gets me backstage passes to see BTS that's been my dream for three years now. I just hope my brother doesn't find out if he ever finds out me, and jay are a couple even if it's fake he'll kill him, and then me .

I sighed what did I just put myself in.


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