|The day will come when you wont be|

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I woke up smiling looking at my wedding ring once more. Still till this day I honestly can't believe we got married although I'm only 17, and that is young to get married. Your never to old or young to get married . He wanted to start planning for kids right away, we've been trying, but nothing it's like I can't get pregnant I remember going to the doctors two years ago about me not able to bare children my mom was sad , I didn't care at the time cause I didn't want children . Now that I think about it it's sad cause I would never get that feeling of having a baby . Which is something that I want now that I'm older, and more mature.

Me, and Shawn have been trying for almost a year we even had a doctor here who told me the same thing I could take medication. I've been trying that to, and nothing. We've been banging like bunnies, and it's impossible, but I'm not giving up not yet.

I heard a loud banging at the door as I slipped on my slippers opening the door to see Denise . I smiled opening the door. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah I have some news ."

"Okay what?" I said tucking some hair behind my ear.

"Well your husband is starting to get better, but I recommend he stays in bed he won't be able to move that arm for a while if he does he could lose that arm ."

I sighed. "I'll keep an eye on him I just won't do as many watch post then."

"That will be best, and we did some blood work on you again, and still nothing ." She said as I sighed. "Keep trying maybe you should take this shot it has a higher dose maybe a higher chance of you getting pregnant."

"And the cost?"

"You'll gain weight , more sexual active, you'll eat a lot more, maybe hair loss . But it's more effective then the pill about five ladies have used it, and they were fortunate to have a baby . When is your next fertility window?"

"Today actually."

"Well use it now."

"I can't use it now I can't even have sex with Shawn he's hurt."

"You can always be on top."

"I'm not having sex with him while he's hurt."

"If I was You I would do it now at least use his sperm or something you want a baby now is your chance . This place is safe enough to build a life here."

"I'll think about it okay?" I said as she nodded leaving . I sighed looking at the needle although I wanted a baby I can't have sex with Shawn while he's hurt although we still have sex when he's injured I just rather not.

I sighed getting some coffee as I heard the door opened I looked seeing Shawn walking in. "Oh my god shawn what are you doing out of bed?"

"I couldn't stand watching soap operas you know I hate watching that shit what's this?"

"Denise gave it to me thought I should use it ."

"Is it your fertility window yet?"

"Yeah ."

"Well let's get started." He said taking off his bandage .

"What babe no! It's fine we don't have to do this your hurt . Every time your hurt we end up having sex let's just sit this one out."

"Why? We both want a kid, and we've been trying rather I'm hurt your hurt or I'm sick I want to make sure you get pregnant that's the deal." He said as I smiled.

"Alright ."

"Alright?" He smiled . "Shit let's get started." He said lifting me up.

"Now?!" I giggled . "Don't you want some food?"

"Nah I rather skip lunch, and have you as desert." He said throwing me on the bed.

"Can I at least dress sexy for you?" I giggled.

"You look beautiful regardless of what you have on babe." He said as I blushed .

"Maybe I should be on top your hurt, and I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore ."

"Good thinking babe." He said taking off his clothes as I did the same I got on top of him positioning myself as I slid down. "Shit." I moaned

"Feels good babe?" He said rubbing my boobs.

"Always." I said moaning beginning to bounce.

"You really think this shot going to work?" I asked as Shawn played with my hair.

"I believe it will work we've been banging like bunnies before we got married I purposely came in you so we can have this baby."

"I stop going on the pill after everything went down hill I just hope this works babe ."

"It will. Trust me I pray everyday just so we can start a family ."

"You don't think we're to young?"

"No." I chuckled. "Your never to young to have a baby. My mom had me when she was 15, and then had my sister when she just hit 20. Right now since this world is all shitty why not have a family?" He said as we intertwined our fingers together. "We know how to take care of ourselves your building yourself to become a leader I hear."

"You heard that from Deanna?"

"Everybody been talking about it. What you thinking of becoming ricks right hand?"

"We got Daryl for that, and Maggie has his left I just want to make that we got here okay." I shrugged placing my robe on. "I'm not a leader I just want to make sure there okay." I said going to the bathroom.

"Well In my opinion you'll become an amazing leader someday."

"Maybe, but right now I just don't want to be in the spotlight at all that much I like being in the background you know?"

"Yeah I know." He said as I turn on the hot water.

"You tired yet baby?"

"No why?"

"Ready for round 2? In the shower?" I smirked taking off my robe as he got out the bed.

"Ready as I ever be ."

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