Arrange marriage preview.

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Sacramento, California

November 25, 2002.

"Richard man you need to stop we ran out of money, and shouldn't you be home with your pregnant wife she's due in like 4 days." David said getting up.

"just one more round I got $1,000 right here."

"yeah that we need to get back home." he said snatching the money. " look Richard you have a problem at first it was drinking, now it's gambling you need to stop your about to have a baby do you want your child to see you like this?"

I sighed. " I guess your right I do need to stop ill see you at work tomorrow?"

"yeah you will." he smiled as we got in our car going our separated ways.

I always had a gambling problem even when I was married to andrea she didn't start to notice I had the problem until she got pregnant she told me that if she doesn't stop she was going to take our child, and leave, but unfortunately that never happened andrea died right after our daughter was born so instead of me gambling I went straight to drinking, and selling drugs.

I was the biggest king pin there was I always kept it lowkey so I wont get arrested I want to make sure my daughter had everything when she gets older I want her to take over the business, but when petal turned 5 I stopped that business, and started one of my own becoming the CEO I own all chick fil la's in the U.S, meaning I've became a billionaire off it, but when I got remarried for the second time shit changed petal is now away in college, my business is not doing good as it was when she was in high school. me, and maria are getting a divorce meaning she's taking half of my shit I'm going to be broke the only way I can keep my fortune if I make a deal with connor.

Petal was coming home to visit for the summer so I have to break the news to her immediately before it's to late.

"dad?" she said coming in.

"hey sweetheart im in my office come in please!"

"alright." I said dropping my bags walking in the office. "hey dad." I smiled hugging him.

"hey sweetheart. how's school?"

"good I've made the dean's list, and I am now on the cheer squad."

"cheerleading huh? just like your mom you've been doing cheerleading since you were 5." I chuckled.

"yeah I want to do it as my professional career someday." I smiled sitting down. "but, what's up?"

"I have some bad news dear."

"what is it dad?"

"right now were on the verge of being homeless."

"what how?"

"well ever since me, and maria got married business has been slow, and bad. I'm losing money connor is on my ass about it, and we need more money unfortunately me, and maria are getting a divorce meaning she wants half of my stuff plus I owe the business another half of my money meaning where homeless." I sighed.

"well dad I can work two jobs just so you can keep the house."

"Sweetheart that's sweet of you, but it wont be enough for this house plus I want you to focus more on your school work."

I sighed. "well how can I help dad?"

"I kind of made a deal with my boss boss connor a few months back."

"what kind of a deal dad?

"to marry connor."

"what?!" I said getting up.

"hear me out sweetheart I was running low on money I was paying your college tuition, pay bills hear, and all my companies. maria taking all my money due to this stupid divorce we're going to be homeless if you don't get married to him." I sighed.

"Dad I cant believe your going to have me marry a man same age as you it's disgusting, and it's selfish of you to have me marry him im not even legal to marry him i'm only 16."

"look it's out of my control he now owns the business as well, and in order for me to even own it he wants to marry you."

"how does he even know you have children?"

"me, and connor have been friends for over 15 years he was there when I got married to andrea he was there when you was born, and when you graduated high school."

I sighed shaking my head. "and, you want me to marry him?"

"yes im so sorry sweetheart I should have told you this earlier."

"when do I meet him?"

"tomorrow morning."

I sighed. "alright." I said getting up leaving the room.

I can't believe my dad he wants me to marry a man old enough to be my own father it's disgusting, and it's always been about the money with him even when was still married to mom I miss her everyday if she was here a lot of shit would be different. I don't talk to maria I don't hate her I just don't talk to her I do know she's a gold digger which explains why im in this mess she's been taking my dad's money, and I've been warning my dad from the beginning, but my dad is a grown man he can do whatever he so pleases, but his decisions in life is stupid.

I went into my old room, and sighed I just put on some sweatpants, and a t-shirt slipping some ugg boats on I put my hair in a messy bun I seen miranda my dad's maid come in my room.

"hi lovely."

"hi." I smiled. miranda has been the maid since she was married to my dad you can say she's like my second mother it's sad the way she's been treated ever since he remarried she's been getting treated poorly I would send her money, and letters she's done a lot for me, and I would love to help her out.

"you look so beautiful, and you've grown up looking like your mother everyday."

I smiled. "thank you how you been?"

"I've been good hanging in there, but unfortunately my business working with you is going to be over."

"oh really?"

"yeah your dad wont have enough to pay me, and you know I have 5 kids to feed so im going to need a job."

"here." I said handing her a box.

"what is it?"

"at least 2 mill in there my mom gave it to me for emergencies, but you need it more then I do." I smiled.

"oh god bless you." I said hugging her. "food's downstairs."

I smiled.

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