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She was the pretty girl.

Like she was the prettiest girl in school.

I always had a crush on her, but I was to scared to talk to her.

I mean I was good looking myself, but to her? She was like the drew barrymore in our school.

Of course she never wanted that attention, but she had no choice it was already handed to her the moment she came to this school.

She talked to me every 1st period, 2nd period, and most definitely in gym. She always talks to me, but I don't think she's interested in me as I am her, and I have to have her. I have to.

I live on my own I'm 18 years old, and a senior at Crenshaw heights it's a private school so only a select amount of students get in.

My parents stay in Michigan I am the only child. I mean I have two younger sisters, and a brother from my dads side he pretty much had a whole affair while he was married so I don't claim them as my family. It's unfortunate my mom is still married to that bastard, but hey that's love right?

I finished washing my face I tied my shoes, grabbing my book bag, and headed out the door .

I pulled in the driveway of my school I watched Rosalie get out of her car I hurried out of my car, and quietly snuck up behind her.

"Good morning."

"Oh my goodness." She said dropping her books. I chuckled helping her out.

"Sorry I scared you I didn't mean to."

"No your fine I easily get scared have you heard there's been a murderer here in Baltimore he's out taking women, raping them, and murdering them I'm scared to go outside by myself ."

Little did she know I'm the murderer.

"Well if you want I can stay till your cheerleading practice is over so you can get home safely."

"Oh that's sweet of you frank, but you don't have to."

"No I insist it's the least I can do."

"Oh okay well I'll see you at 8." I smiled.

"Yeah see you then." I smiled, and waved only to see Thomas the school jock he to had a crush on Rosalie.

See Thomas was way bigger then I am, and stronger so of course he could beat me up when he wanted to. Which is why I only talk to Rosalie when we have our periods together I don't want to risk my chances of getting my ass kicked in front of the hottest girls in school.

Besides all that other bullshit cops have been after me they have been questioning me about girls that have been missing, and being murdered, and of course I denied this shit. To be honest I don't know why I hurt women. I love women of course, but me hurting them is far fetched some women love being dominated in the bed room . I have had sex before when I was 15 with an 18 year old . She was my first love, but ever since my parents caught us she was sent to jail, and haven't seen or heard from her since. She hates me. Which is why I do what I do.

I'm not going to hurt rosalie, but I want her to be mine without anybody noticing I'm going to kidnap her. I won't kill her that's the least I will do to her.


"Why the hell were you talking to that nerd?" Chloe asked changing into her workout uniform.

"Frank he has a name, and he's not a nerd he was talking to me about taking me home no big deal."

"I don't trust him." Belle said.


"Haven't you heard it's been all over the newspaper, and the news how he's been accused of kidnapping people, and murdering them this man seems crazy don't hang around him rose."

"I doubt he's that crazy, and I read the newspaper he doesn't even look nearly close to the guy whose actually doing it. Guys just give him a chance he's such a sweet person."

"Oh shit don't tell me you have a crush on this man." Chloe said drinking some water.

I blushed. "Why does that matter?"

"It matters cause this man is crazy rose, and dating a guy whose a murderer is sick who wants to date a serial killer?"

"Alright enough quit talking about him don't you think he gets enough humiliation everyday? Just ease up on him."

"I just hope you don't catch feelings for this freak." Belle said.

"Belle seriously... look it's getting late we need to head home text me, call me when you guys make it home ."

"Will do the same."

"Okay." I smiled grabbing my things as I was going to the back I noticed frank was smoking a cigarette I didn't noticed he smoked he was just leaning on his car gazing at the stars. "Pretty cold out? Don't you need a jacket?"

"Nah I'm good. How was practice?"

"It was something I'm just ready to head home for a hot shower. Eat some leftovers, and go to sleep . I really do appreciate you for looking out."

"It's no problem doll face." He said not even looking at me .

"You sure your alright frank?" I said as he took out a gun. My heart began to beat very fast I knew if I run he would shoot me so of course I didn't dare to run that's mistake #1.

"Get in the car." He said as I nodded getting in the car. "Look im not going to hurt you."

"So why do you have a gun?"

"For safety purposes I'll explain later, but your not going home you hear me? And, if you run.."

"Your going to kill me?" He said as he looked at me.

"I could never do that."

"Frank look I have money a cool mil if you want it I'll give it to you, but tell me what is this all about." I asked him as he stopped the car.

"Look enough with the questions Alright I'll explain everything later just shut the fuck up, and enjoy listening to the spice girls Alright?" He asked as I nodded looking out the window. "But, first hand me your phone."


"I know for a fact your family will ask you where you are. Family , friends, and possibly teachers I don't want them calling you or else..." He said as I handed him my phone I watched him throw it out the window as we pulled in his house.

Like I said I didn't bother running he would shoot , and it would make matters worse so I decided to do what he say, and maybe hopefully things would go better.

"You live here alone? Where's your parents?"

"Shut up, and strip."

"Excuse me? If you think I'm having sex with you that's out of the question."

"Did I ask you what you wanted? I said strip you stink there's a shower upstairs don't bother running I have an alarm you run I shoot your choice."

"I have to strip in front of you?"

"It's not like I seen a girl naked so you won't be the last strip." He said as I sighed tears started forming, but I struggled not to let a single tear out I refuse to let him get the best of me now At this moment he should have killed me. Is Belle, and Chloe right?

Is he Baltimore's rapist, and murderer?

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