The punisher.

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(A/N: if you guys ever watched the punisher some of it is in this imagine some it isn't hope you beautiful people like it.)


I hate going to work sometimes I wish I didn't have to work, but it keeps food in my fridge, and the lights on everyday. I'm only 15 I work at this local bar I know you have to be 21, but the way I dress I can be suit to be 21 I don't want to do this job, but it's the only job that pays $23 an hour which is pretty good money for me.

I put on my black tank top, and shorts of course I had to wear heels which I hated I kept my hair in a neat bun I grabbed my converse cause I hate wearing heels for eight hours shit kills me . I grabbed my house keys heading straight to work .

My parents? We're killed as a newborn my uncle Logan? He also died I actually watched him die along with his daughter Laura he basically raised me as his own. I two am just like him what you call it a Wolverine the claws that comes out your hands they made me there project, and tried to kill me it didn't work I beat them to it . These powers they gave me is something I didn't want, but I had no choice I did what I had to do to survive.

I walked in the back, and clocked in I couldn't help, but notice the same guy who was here last night he had jet black hair that was slick back, had an aftershave, and he was always wearing black for somebody his age he was pretty good looking .

"You seem pretty young to be working at a bar how old are you 21?" He chuckled sipping his drink.

"Try 15, and half ." I shrugged.

"The Hell is a 15 year old working at a bar you know it's illegal? How did you even get this job?"

"You know for a stranger you ask a whole lot of questions."

"Cause at 15 you should be working at McDonald's or some shit not at a bar this isn't a place for a little girl."

"I'm not a little girl I can handle myself." I said wiping the table. "Another beer?"

"Look why don't we get you home to your parents alright I'm telling you this is no place for a little girl." He said grabbing my hand.

"No. You god dam weirdo are you trying to get me in the bed?!"

"What?! Your like 15 your young enough to be my daughter look why are you working at a place like this?"

"Why are you asking so many dam questions."

"You know..." he chuckled. "You got a smart mouth."

"Not being smart wondering why is a pervert trying to hit on me."

"I'm just concerned look I will make it up to you let me get you to your parents." He said as I sighed.

"Let me get my keys ... you wanna make it up to me buy me dinner, and ice cream."

"Alright." He smiled I rolled my eyes grabbing my jacket, and car keys .

"You clocking out early?" Jackie said sipping on her drink.

"Gotta babysit my brother."

"Oh okay well just pull a double tomorrow ."

"Okay have a good night." I said walking outside . "Nice... van?"

"Get in." He said shutting the door. I sighed getting in.

"What you wanna eat? There's a good pizza place around the corner."

"Sounds good, but your paying ." I shrugged .

I chuckled. "Alright." He said pulling in the pizza place . He stopped the car handing me some sweatpants .

"What? Something wrong with what I have on?"

"Yeah your 15 wearing that? More like what a prostitute should wear just wear it your clothes are a bit to revealing."

"Fine could you get out so I can change?"

"Already on it." He said getting out the car I put on some sweatpants, and changed my heels to my converse I grabbed my jacket getting out the car.

"See better."

"You sound like my dad."

"As a 15 year old you shouldn't be wearing shit like that what does your parents say?"

"They don't say anything as long as I get money that's all that matters." I shrugged as we both sat down.

"Can I help you?" Some lady said.

"Anything for the lady ." He said staring at me.

"Pepperoni pizza , with garlic cheese bread, and ice tea."

"Alright, and for you sir?"

"Same thing."

"Alright it will be up in 20 minutes ." She said as we both nodded .

"So you got a name?"

"My name is belle."

"That's a pretty name."

"Again with the perverted shit." I said rolling my eyes. "No my parents named me belle after beauty, and the beast ." I shrugged.

"Well it's pretty I had a daughter name Lisa got it from the Simpsons favorite show growing up." He chuckled.

"You had a daughter?"

"Yeah a wife, and a son to they died more like they were murdered ."

"I'm sorry."

"Nah it's fine there memory is still here cause I'm still here ."

"That's the only way. You keep there memory alive by also keep moving forward . My mom taught me that." I said eating my food .

"So where is your parents? Are you even in school?"

"I dropped out."

"You dropped out? Your 15 you should be what a freshman?"

"I'm a sophomore , and my parents told me I should focus more on work so I dropped out of school." I shrugged. "I can always go back in a few years I'm only 15."

"Where are your parents kid?"

I sighed. "Jesus you ask a lot of questions. There on a trip ." I said looking at my phone. "I have to go no need for the ride home I can walk home it's only 10 minutes away ." I said grabbing my food walking out only having him follow me.

"Kid... there's shit your not telling me."

"Go away!" I yelled .

"Kid!" He grabbed my arm as my claws came out. "What the hell?"

"Stay away from me."

"What are you?" He said as tears formed in my eyes.

"Just go away." I said running .

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