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      "TODAY'S MY LAST full day," Jax reminded Joe, running his fingers through the incredibly soft hair of the older boy, "We're leaving tomorrow

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      "TODAY'S MY LAST full day," Jax reminded Joe, running his fingers through the incredibly soft hair of the older boy, "We're leaving tomorrow."

         Joe frowned up at him, "I can't convince you to stay here for another week?"

         Jax chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully, "As wonderful as that sounds – and really, it does – I have work. Unlike you, my job doesn't last for a couple months before I get a nice, long break where I can do whatever I want. I'm already taking off too much time now."

         "Yeah," Joe agreed, moving up so that their faces were close together, "But it's worth it, yeah?"

         He nodded quickly, closing the gap between the two of them and kissing Joe softly. "Definitely," he said once they parted, "I mean, this beats everything."

         "Then stay," Joe persisted and Jax groaned.

         "I can't," he repeated, "I wanna, but – sadly – reality calls. Sigh. And I only told Lottie to water my plants for two weeks so I come back later than that I think they'll be dead."

         "You care more about your plants than me?" Joe pouted and Jax shoved him lightly.

         "You aren't gonna die if I'm not here. You can take care of yourself and we can still talk, it's not like everything's gonna fall apart after I leave," Jax snorted to himself, unaware of the look on Joe's face.

         "Yeah," Joe agreed lightly, too lightly. "Yeah," and he kissed Jax again, not that the other boy was complaining.

         Jax hummed into the kiss and they stayed there, just enjoying themselves for a moment. He felt his heart practically explode, still on cloud nine. He wouldn't stay there forever, but that was okay. At least, he thought it would be okay when eventually he fell from the heavens and back down on earth. Stars still in his eyes.

         "I'll miss you," Joe whispered against his lips when they parted a little to breath.

         Jax grinned at the confession, he still liked hearing these things. Simple words that had been vacant from his life for so long, ones that he uttered to others but never had them returned. It was nice that Joe was returning them now – how appreciated he felt.

         "I'll miss you, too."

Brooklyn Nights ━ Joe KeeryWhere stories live. Discover now