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jaxxoof okay so like you allknow river right??

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oof okay so like you all
know river right??

alice in wonderland
yes i think i remember a
bitch who tried to blackmail
my great friend oliver and
then play a victim even though
she was threatening him
into a fake relationship and
being with that other bitch
named rachel

charlotte's web
omg my baby is so salty
and i love her

alice in wonderland
awe i love you too babe

ew you two are so disgusting

charlotte's web
you're just jealous so shut up

even steven
wait why are we talking about
river? i thought that was over
and done with months ago

okay have you not been
reading up on what happens
in the chat while you're on
dates or whatever??

even steven
no i haven't because unlike you
i actually have a life that i can't
spend wasting reading texts
in a fucking gc

first off,, rude

second of all,, i do have a life
thank you very much and me
deciding to spend it reading
texts that occurred while i was
occupied wITH MY FUCKING
LIFE then you can't judge me

even steven
um yes i can judge you and
i will so fuck off

i am being attacked

alice in wonderland
boo hoo no one cares

hi yes i am petitioning for
new friends since my old ones
are corrected

charlotte's web
lol who else would really spend
time with you???

fuck off

charlotte's web

oliver wood
oh god what did river do
this time?

omg hi you're here!!!

oliver wood
yeah now let's get this show
on the road

let me have my fun. i let you be
all dramatic and take forever to
share all your news with jimothy
now please have the same
respect for me

oliver wood
i actually fucking snorted. you
were NEVER respectable and
even left the fucking chat once
because i was "complaining
too much"

i had valid reasons and i still stand
by then

but alas, i guess i shall regal you
in the sob story that river is
trying to sell to me

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