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jack jackhey what the fuck isyour problem? i thoughtyou hated river

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jack jack
hey what the fuck is
your problem? i thought
you hated river

oliver wood
i do

oliver wood
well, i really don't like
her and wish that i
never heard from her
again yes

jack jack
okay so we agree with
this then yes?

oliver wood
um yeah?

jack jack
then why are you defending
her and saying that she is
completely innocent. it could
all be a lie you know

oliver wood
yeah, i do. i know river better
than anyone else in that fucking
gc and i do know what she can
do and i don't know if she's
a good person and she's
just being manipulated by
rachel with no way to escape
or if she really is rotten to
the core

jack jack
i wish we were on good enough
terms for me to say 'omg
descendants reference' but
we're not

jack jack
but you want me to really
disregard everything she's
done with all the whining
you used to do about her
and saying how terrible
she is? you want me to
be buddy buddy with
her and trust her?

oliver wood
i never said

jack jack
well it really feels to me
that you did

oliver wood
i just never thought back
then that maybe she was
also being manipulated
and had no choice bc
i was too busy whining
my own problems. but
now i've had time since
i no longer have that many
issues going on and it
really seems to me that
maybe she isn't some
heartless witch like i tried
to make her

jack jack
oh my god

oliver wood
and i don't think you should
just outright trust her. i don't

oliver wood
yes, she could be used by
rachel and she doesn't
actually want to be cruel
and all that shit but it's
not an excuse. it doesn't
wave everything she's
done away

oliver wood
i don't think i can ever
forgive her because even
though she might not
have wanted to do what
rachel told her to, she
still do. i did. we're both

jack jack
you're different

oliver wood
how so? what makes
me so special and
worthy of being trusted

jack jack
you didn't try to force
someone into a relationship

oliver wood
but i was in one

jack jack
because you thought you
didn't have a choice

oliver wood
maybe that's what river feels
i don't know. but maybe, like
me, she's breaking away from
rachel and trying to do the
right thing again instead of
becoming a cruel shell of herself
and this is her first step towards
that and here we are looking
down on her

oliver wood
i don't know what to make
of her. i don't know if she
really is good and this is
with good intentions or if
she's going to use it as blackmail
against you herself, but at least
she is willing to get the pictures
away from rachel and maybe
destroy them

oliver wood
so stop being outright
rude to her, that's my job

jack jack

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