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          JAX WAS PACING

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          JAX WAS PACING. Today – that very day – Joseph David Keery was coming to L.A. and Jax was going to see him and gain a boyfriend. But still, he had to play the waiting game as Joe was coming to his apartment instead of Jax picking him up. Whatever, that was fine, it just meant a few more painful minutes of waiting.

         And it didn't help that he was anxious. He knew what to expect, or had a loose outline of what to expect, but that was all in theory. And his head was spinning with scenarios that could happen so he was stressing and pacing around his apartment like a mad man and trying to calm himself down because Joe would be there any moment and he really didn't want the man to see him like this.

         "You're fine – everything'll be fine," he muttered to himself as he heard a knock at the door. He froze for a moment before walking to the door, trying not to rush because that would look so desperate, and muttering again, "Calm down, it's fine."

         He unlocked the door and twisted the knob, opening the door to reveal a grinning Joe. God, he looked amazing. Not that he ever looked terrible, but he just looked so good and fuck Jax really wanted to kiss him or fuck him or something.

         "Hey," Joe greeted him as he walked inside. Without even thinking, Jax threw his arms around him. Joe chuckled and stumbled back at the sudden movement but he too wrapped his arms and Jax and held him.

         They stayed there for a moment before Jax pulled and smiled sheepishly at Joe. "Sorry, I should've said hey first," he apologized but Joe just shook his head.

         "It's fine. I liked that welcome more," Joe smiled at him and he was entranced, almost weak to his knees at the sight. "Anyway, I think I should ask you something..."

         His smile turned to a smirk and Jax knew what he was referring to and he loved it. God, he loved it. "Oh, yeah? And what would that be?" Jax coyly asked back.

         If Joe could move closer, he would have. Instead, he just asked, "Would you, Jax Hollingsworth, like to be my boyfriend?"

         His heart practically exploded. God, yes. He wanted it more than anything and it was fairly obvious. Practically the whole world knew it and fuck, he couldn't stop himself as he just kissed the man in front of him as an answer. Maybe it wasn't verbal, but actions always spoke louder than words.

         Their lips locked together for more than a few seconds, Jax' arms wrapped around Joe's neck and the latter man's hands cupping Jax' cheeks. God, it felt utterly perfect – felt so right. The world seemed to fade away from a moment and it was just them, there, and nothing could touch them.

         Eventually, they pulled away and Joe smiled at him again and he was sure that he was sporting the same grin. "I'll take that as a yes?" Joe asked.

         "You most certainly will," Jax nodded, taking Joe's hand in his own, "Oh, and you were right."

         Joe tilted his head, eyebrows furrowing the tiniest bit in confusion, "About what?"

         "I do want to jump your bones right now," and the serious way he said it made Joe laugh at him, and he couldn't help but join in.

         Joe brought their lips together again and Jax couldn't help but melt. He moved them around the apartment to his bedroom, Joe grinning against his lips. When they broke apart again as Jax turned to get something out of the drawer, laugher bubbled from Joe.

         "You already lube and a condom?"

         "Like I was going to let you leave tonight without fucking me. Now come here."

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