xxxviii. PHONE CALL

803 55 4

okay, who the fuck is this?it better not be the personwho is trying to blackmailme or else i will find youand beat your fucking assyou bitch

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okay, who the fuck is this?
it better not be the person
who is trying to blackmail
me or else i will find you
and beat your fucking ass
you bitch

calm down, it's river. river

oh, fuck off bitch. so you're
the one who's blackmailing
me? what a river move

no, i'm not the one blackmailing
you, jax, but i know who is

well would you mind being
nice for once in your life
and telling me?

i can be nice, you know, we've
just never met in good conditions
to where i would be nice to you

i'm sure

ask my brother, mitty. he's
probably who i'm nicest

that's nice now are you gonna
actually tell me what you wanna

it's rachel


rachel bradley - she's the one
who's blackmailing you

of course she is

she got photos of you with
joe and she tried to pawn
them off to me so that i'd
blackmail you to get joe
to fake date me, you know
like with oliver, but i wouldn't
do it

and a gold star to you

shut up. i told her i wouldn't
but she went and did it anyway
because i'm still apart of the
contract that i can't get out

and is this supposed to excuse
every shitty thing you've done
to my friend or something?

no. i don't need him or any
of you to forgive me, i just
wanted to tell you that
she's the one who's blackmailing
you and that i think i can get
every copy she has of those

well, what are you waiting for?

i'm not 100% sure if i can, and
if i do, she'll drop me

shouldn't that be a good thing?

yes, if i have someone else
to manage me. and no one
will even consider taking
me because of everything
she made me do

i really don't care, river

i know you don't. no one does,
but i'm just telling you so that
you won't be too worried about
it. and so you can tell joe

yeah...we're not exactly on
speaking terms

because he broke things
off with you?


how do you know that?

like i said, she's been planning
this and trying to get joe to
come to me. i saw her send
the texts. she forced him to
break things off with you, said
to do whatever it took. i'm
gonna say that it worked and
you hate him now?

yeah - yeah. i definitely
hate him for what he did,
but he only did it because
he was being forced to?

yes! he didn't want to, he was
trying to fight against doing
it before but he had to in order
to protect himself. you know,
keep the photos from leaking
and everything

but he didn't want to give me

haven't you been listening? no,
he didn't want to give you up
but he was forced to by rachel

and you want me to tell him
that river morrison - who is
known by me and my friends
to be a cold-heart bitch - is
helping us?

i know how it sounds, but i
really am trying to help you.
tell him or don't, just know
that i'm trying my best to get
them destroyed

k. bye

bye then

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