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daisyyou okay?

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you okay?

daniel said you were
taking a sick day, is it
just a cold or the flu
or something?

i can come over after my
shift and make you some
soup if you want

charlotte's web
jax are you okay?

charlotte's web
lily told me that you weren't
answering her and you took
the day off of work. i can
come over if you wanna hang

alice in wonderland

alice in wonderland
what happened baby. you can
tell me anything

even steven
what happened to you man?

even steven
if something happened, i can
always book you a ticket home
so you can spend time with
mom and dad. im sure that will
be fine with them

even steven

hey it's roman. evan gave
me your number to see if you
would respond to me. if you
wanna talk to someone, im here
and i won't tell anyone else

oliver wood
you don't have to respond, i
know you haven't been doing that
all day, but i wanted to talk to you.

oliver wood
i don't know what happened, but
im guessing that you're not sick
and it's something worse. probs
something with joe, yeah? i

oliver wood
give it time. you don't have to talk
to anyone until you want to and
you don't have to tell any of us what
happened. just know that it really
does get bearable. not easier. i
almost broke every day after i broke
up with timmy, but the pain gets

oliver wood
im sorry if anything bad happened
between you and joe. for what it's
worth, i was really rooting for you.

oliver wood
talk soon xx

jack jack
something did happen with joe. he
told me that new york was a mistake
and that we couldn't be together
because he wasn't thinking back
then and he's not even gay. i was just
an experiment for him. he told me
that he hopes i always cherish our
time and that new york isn't ruined
for me and that he looks forward to
the day we meet again and that
we can't be friends. he says that he's
sorry for leading me on but i can
never forgive him. he hurt me so much
oliver and i can't go through that again
and i want to hate him so much but
im so sad

jack jack
and i should hate him right? because
of everything he said and how he made
me feel like i was on cloud nine only to
rip me apart later but i can't and that
hurts more

oliver wood
im coming over

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