Anything Else? (Part 1)

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Congrats! You've been cast as Katherine in a revival of Newsies! Most of the original cast had returned to do the weekend of shows, with only a few exceptions. You had worked with most of the boys who returned (Ben Cook, Ryan Steele, Mike Faist, Sky Flaherty, Joshua Burrage) in other shows or workshops. You, Ben, and Josh had become really close friends in the past year as you had all been a tiny show together.

You couldn't help but look around the stage and set. This was everything you had dreamed about and more. You loved listening to Ben and Josh tell their stories from the 'Newsies' days, and you couldn't believe you were finally here. As you walked to your dressing room you heard a bunch of ruckus coming from the boys' dressing room and couldn't help but laugh to yourself. You guys still had about 6 hours before the first show so you all were just kicking it around the theatre and doing some prep for the opening show. You went into your dressing room and sat on the chair in front of the mirror. Instead of the usual plastic chair that was originally in the room, you had replaced it with a plush armchair. You plugged your phone and laptop in and turned on Netflix, watching the boys dance in their movie. Just as it arrived at the part where Ben kicks himself in the face you heard a subtle knock on the door.

"You decent," the male voice questioned. You knew it was Ben, so you told him to enter. "How 'ya feeling," He asked again jumping on the counter that extended against the whole wall. You looked up at him and thought for a moment before continuing.

"I'm doing alright, I mean I'm a nervous mess but I feel that that is expected," You answered honestly. As Ben spotted your laptop you tried to close it but he was too fast. As he saw the movie he groaned. He loathed everytime somebody watched that movie, because of course everytime you did you would all pick on him for kicking himself in the face. "I bet you won't do it again," you tried comforting him, placing a gentle hand on his knee.

He let out a smile before shrugging, "I mean it did make me the most famous Newsie," he added pretending to flip his hair. You rolled your eyes and your conversation was interrupted by Josh entering the room.

"Don't compliment yourself too heavily before the show, your head doesn't need to be any bigger," Josh said chuckling as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, "Hey y/n, I'm really glad you're in the show." You smiled back at him and felt an uneasiness in the air. "Well, I'm going to parent over the other children in the show as long as you can watch after this one," Josh said motioning to Ben. You nodded your head and smiled at Josh. "You two have fun," Josh said.

Josh had really stepped in as an older brother for you after you moved out to New York. Most of your family was still in the midwest and didn't really talk to you after you "bailed" on them for New York. You were extremely upset at first, but it became easier once you became friends with Ben, Josh, Sky, and DeMarius. They had all stepped in to be your New York family. DeMarius was currently in a different show so he wasn't able to join all of you in the 'Newsies' revival but he said he was going to come to the show tonight.

You looked up at Ben, his usually bright blue eyes now clouded with anger and frustration. "Ben, hey, you alright," You asked concerned. You knew when he got like this he had a tendency to shut himself off from others even though he really needed to talk it out.

"Yeah, just an issue between Josh and I. I'll talk to him about it later," he assured you. You nodded your head, sitting there with him in a comfortable silence. Well as silent as it could be. A bunch of the other boys were having a showtunes battle, belting out hits from Wicked, Phantom, and Les Mis, trying to decide which "Holy Trinity" show was the best. It was actually very entertaining to listen to these boys argue. Before you could really do anything else with Ben your timer went off to get ready. Ben took that as his queue to leave.

As you sat alone in your room, all dressed up and makeup ready you struggled with your wig. You knew that putting that wig on and not messing up your mic would be the death of you. You walked out of your dressing room and knocked on the one for the boys, "Everyone decent," you asked in a shout. You vaguely heard a chorus of yeses, muffled by the door and the constant movement but it was too late to turn back now. You entered the room and walked over to Ben's station. You placed your hands over his eyes, "Guess who," you joked. He placed his hands over yours, sending chills down your spine.

"Hmmm, Josh your voice got really high pitched," Ben joked, a smile flashing in the mirror as you removed your hands and smacked him against the shoulder.

"I was going to ask you for help, but I don't think I am anymore. You hurt my feelings," you pouted crossing your arms in front of you. You started to walk away and felt fingers intertwine with yours. You smiled as you swung yours and Ben's arms and walked back to your dressing room. You sat in your chair, putting four fingers at the front of the wig and lining it up at your hairline. Ben pulled the wig back until it fit snuggly on your head. "Thank you, Ben," you said turning to him and smiling brightly.

"Anytime Katherine," Ben said putting emphasis on the name.

After the show you were ecstatic. A bunch of the boys rallied around you. It took you a second for the kiss to seem normal, but after a moment you felt better about it. As curtain call finished you couldn't wait to talk with all the boys especially Ben. He did great as Race and you just wanted to give him such a great hug. As you looked around at the ocean of boys you couldn't find the bouncy strawberry blonde. You found DeMarius and he hadn't even seen Ben yet. You walked down past your dressing room and found a door to the outside slightly propped open. "Ben," You called out the door. You walked out onto the fire escape and saw a pair of boots on the steps and Ben's vest draped onto the railing. "Ben, hey, what are you doing out here," you asked moving in front of him.

"I just needed my space," he mumbled shrugging your presence off.

"Ben what is going on with you, you've been, I don't know, off today," you said concerned for him. He looked up at you almost angry with you.

"Anything else," he snapped. You couldn't hold back the tears and you didn't want to cry in front of Ben. You rushed back to your dressing room, closing the door forcefully. You sat in your chair, removing your makeup and wig before finally crumbling.

I don't know why but I really want to write two parters recently so yay! My next is going to be short and sad so be warned.

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