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Ben's POV 

  Y/N and I had been in a couple of shows together at the local theatre along with school programs. She was enjoyable to be around and so I figured it would be fun just to invite her over to watch a couple of movies. We had hung out outside of school, but it usually wasn't solo, typically with the whole company we were in at the time. But I had hung out with her before, nonetheless. I shouldn't be this nervous, yet my stomach flipped when my phone pinged.

Y/N: Leaving my house now, ETA 10 minutes. 

Ten minutes. I had the next ten minutes to calm my stomach and collect myself. My twin sister, Emma,  was home as well, and she got along Y/N, that should help take away some of this random stress. 

Before I could catch my breath, there was a knocking on the door. I got up and opened the door. Her bright smile greeted me, suddenly calming my nerves. 

"Y/N!" Emma cheered as she rushed down the stairs. I think I may have made an understatement when I said they got along. They were close, Y/N just never came over here. 

"Hey Y/N," I greeted as well, a smile spreading across my face. I hugged her, noticing the subtle hint of cinnamon. She smelled as if she had been in the kitchen baking cookies. 

"Hey Ben," She said, the bright white smile never leaving her lips. The way her Y/E/C eyes lit up when she looked up at me almost made my heart melt.  We had to break our touch, leaving me with a shiver running down my spine, and Y/N running with my sister to the living room. As I walked in, Emma was already on the couch, taking up the whole thing of course. 

"Take the loveseat, Y/N, I'll sit on the floor," I said grabbing a blanket and spreading it down on the floor. I curled up with another blanket, my back leaning against the loveseat. I tossed the remote up to Y/N, letting her scroll through Netflix to pick a movie. Once she settled, she placed the remote on the table, her hand finding itself carelessly running through my already tousled hair. 

Two weeks later

Saturday;6 A.M

Ben: Hey Y/N, I'm at the studio and I've got like 2 hours before my first class of the day, want to come in and run some moves with me? Maybe help me teach? 

Y/N: Hi B! I was actually just working on a couple combinations so I'll head out now and see you in 5. I've got nothing going on all day and could use the distraction. See you soon!

  I had been spending a lot more one-on-one time with Y/N. Well much more like two-on-one time. Emma typically liked to tag along. Even though I told her countless times that Y/N and I's hangouts were strictly platonic, she didn't believe me. I was starting to not believe myself too these last few days. 

Before I could get too deep in thought, a light tapping on the glass door occurred before it opened. "Morning!" Her voice cheerily rang through my ears, bouncing off the walls of the studio a bit. I always taught classes on Saturdays. Usually just general dance, sometimes I did tap or jazz, but I enjoyed the general classes. Dance was something I really loved. 

Thankfully I was going to be doing a lot of dancing these next few months, as the school had just announced our spring show was going to be Wicked. And I was getting to be co-choreographer. Along with Fiyero. Playing Galinda was a Senior named Laura Osnes, and acting as my true love interest, Elphaba, was Y/N, and god she had the pipes for it. Her audition was stunning. The show was going to be beautiful. 

"Morning Y/N, you want to help me out with some combinations and singing for the show. I've been watching some recordings of the Broadway ones, trying to learn as much as I can." I didn't want to seem like a total idiot in front of her, but I didn't completely know what I was doing. 

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