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You were sitting on the fire escape of your apartment, breathing in the spring air, while wrapped up in a Mean Girls hoodie. The sight from your apartment on the Upper West Side was truly breathtaking to you sometimes. The New York traffic had lightened up a bit as the sun was setting, but the white noise of the cars still played as you turned through the pages of your book. 

The soft turning of the next page was interrupted as a light knock occurred on your window. You turned to see Ben pushing the window up and stepping out onto the fire escape as well. "Am I interrupting something important," Ben asked, gesturing towards the novel. 

"No, it's all good, I was just unwinding for the night," you said as you tucked back some hair that the breeze had carried out of place. 

"Okay, well there's something that I really need to tell you because I couldn't bear the thought of you hearing it from anyone else," Ben said nervously as he sat down next to you on the steps. You moved over so your back was against the banister, your legs draped across him as your eyes met. 

"Hit me," you said, thinking nothing of it. Ben had a tendency to make things out to be a much bigger deal than they were.

He looked down at his feet before opening his mouth to speak. "Well I got a really great offer, but it means that I would have to leave the show..."

You could tell that this wasn't a small matter anymore. Ben couldn't even meet your gaze. His was focused on his hands as his thumbs danced around each other. 

"Ben," you whispered, gently placing a hand on his shoulder, your thumb rubbing against it gently. 

"I took the deal Y/N... I'm going to be leaving the show in a few weeks..." 

You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes. You felt your breath becoming shorter. And then you felt Ben's arms wrapped around you. 

"I'm sorry Ben, I'm happy for you...I'm just going to miss you. I'm going to miss having you here and having someone around just to talk to when I'm tired. The apartment is already so quiet since Josh left.." You couldn't continue to speak. The tears slowly rolled down your eyes as Ben held you tighter. 

"I know Y/N, I know. But don't worry, I'll still be around, and you can call me whenever you want." Ben whispered the words gently. They were soft and gentle. Calming. You took a few deep breaths as Ben pulled back from the hug. He placed his hands gently on your cheeks, matching his gaze with his. 

"Ben... I need to tell you something as well... I don't want you to freak out but I really need to tell you this.." you started. 

Ever since you had met Ben, he held a special place in your heart. He was always going to be important to you, and you knew that from the get-go. Now that his departure was in sight, you knew you had to tell him. 

"Y/N..." Ben whispered softly. The look in his eyes was remorseful as he could see your heartbreak in your own. 

"No, no, no, Ben... don't stop me from saying this. I need to say this before I don't have any courage to say it." You bit your lip as you placed your hands against his arms. "From the day I met you, I knew this, we, we're going to be good. That has held true since this friendship has blossomed. Ben... I love you.." the final words slipped from your lips as you looked in his eyes softly. 

You watched him, his eyes swimming with emotions. He placed a kiss against your forehead before pulling you tightly against him. 

"I love you too Y/N," he whispered, a gentle hand running up and down your back. "We'll figure this out, I'm not letting you go anywhere." 

Well, folks. The minute I heard Ben was leaving the show, I was heartbroken. But now I'm ecstatic to find out that I get to see him on the big screen. I've been waiting to write this imagine just because I've wanted to know where Ben was going. I would like to thank mariebmads for giving me this initial idea. I hope you all enjoy this and the imagines to follow thanks to my being on spring break. 

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