Summer Break

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Sophomore year of college was finally coming to a close and your roommate (and best friend), Kennedy, was going to have a, "nice little end of the year get-together," at your apartment, which knowing her basically meant that the while entire drama department was going to be invited.
It was the day of the party and you were doing some light cleaning and adding some finishing touches to the snack bar (which wasn't going to last long) before flopping onto the couch. Your shorts and t-shirt allowing air to breeze and cool you down. It wasn't long before another blonde breeze waltzed into the room in a blue sundress and sandals.

"And what exactly do you think you're doing," Kennedy asked, cocking her eyebrow up.

"I'm sitting and waiting for the guests to arrive," you said as the radio droned on with some playlist that was aimlessly turned on at the beginning of your compulsive cleaning session.

"No, no, no Miss, you're going to shower and put on a pretty outfit and celebrate the fact that school is over for some time now. Plus Josh, Ben, and Sky are all coming," she said shimmying her shoulders.

"Fine," you groaned slightly, moving your slightly achey body.

Once you hopped into the shower, the slightly cold water raining down on you allowed you to relax. Once you got out and tied your hair up in the towel, wrapping yourself up in another you walked back into your room, rummaging through your closet and dresser, until you spotted it.  "It" being the denim overall skirt you had gotten half-way through the winter when it was on sale for 50%. You pulled it out, along with a white crop top that had daisies sporatically patterend on it. You turned to yourself in the mirror once you were fully dressed and looked yourself up and down. It was a good outfit, all it needed were some earrings and your Birkenstocks.  You slipped the sandals on a before settling on the matching daisy earrings you had sitting in your jewelry box.Then it was time to tackle your hair. You took the damp locks out of the towel, and ruffled them around before settling on just parting your hair and leaving it down.

As you walked back out into the living room you heard giggling. As you rounded the corner you saw the three boys and Kennedy sitting around the living room talking about their plans for summer break.

The first eyes to meet yours were the sparkling blue ones belonging to Ben. You gave him a happy smile as he got up to hug you. You returned the embrace as he picked you up and spun you. It was a tradition between the two of you for him to spin you every time he saw you. You would usually just smush his face, but you couldn't always embarrass him like that. Sky and Josh eventually following suit as you excepted their hugs.

"So where is every one else," you asked looking at Kennedy as she scrolled through her phone, before she had a chance to  answer though, the doorbell to your apartment went off. Once the group of people announced themselves you buzzed them up, greeting them as they filed into the moderately sized apartment.

Everyone was mingling and you wandered upon Josh and Sky, who were talking, without Ben.

"Hey you two," you greeted as you placed a hand on both their shoulders.

"Hey Y/N," Sky greeted with a bright and friendly smile as per usual. "How have you been," he followed up.

"I've been alright, busy with studying and taking finals, but thankfully it's all over," you said as you tucked your hands into your pockets. "How have you two been, I know you two have probably been swamped with all your theatrey things," you said with a slightly mocking tone.

You and the boys always played around when it came to you majors. Theatre vs. Pre-Med. It was a fun little battle to have with them, and it usually ended with boys singing some popular musical with the choreo to match.

"We've been really busy," Josh said kinda twidling his thumbs.

"Well yeah, with that lady you keep leaving to see, you seem pretty busy," Sky retorted, causing Josh to land a backhand on his chest with a thump.

"You were supposed to keep quiet about that Sky," Josh said. You just chuckled, deciding to let the boys hash it out while you got some fresh air.

As you opened the window to the fire escape you discovered a lonely Ben already sitting out on it. You sat in the window bay of Kennedy's room, Ben just feet from you.

"What are you doing all alone," you questioned looking into his eyes. They were darker than they were when he greeted you earlier. "you thinking about something? Need me to go?"

"No no no," Ben said reaching out to make sure you didn't leave. "You're fine, Y/N, you're always fine.

"Ben can I ask you something," you questioned. This was your chance to pursue the crush that had started at the beginning of freshman year. You two were alone, at a party, and here was your chance just feet ahead of you, you couldn't let it slip away from you.

"Yeah, what's up Y/N, " his eyes said, they were now unreadable.
"I was just wondering if..  nevermind," you said. There was no hope, he was wayyy out of your league and he was just too perfect. You wouldn't be able to stand the heartbreak if it ended. Yet here you were planning out possible scenarios that would happen and the dates you two would go on. The shows you would see Ben in. You were snapped out of the little solitary confinement in your head when Ben also moved into the window bay.

"Y/N.." Ben started, lifting your chin so you had to look up to him. You looked up noticing something on the window frame. "Hey, look, we're sittingg under the mistletoe."

"First of all, it's June, and that is a leaf with a cranberry taped to it," you retoreted to Ben's cheesy comment.

"Either way, I think it still counts," Ben said, well more like the words slipped past his lips, dangling in the air between you two before Ben closed the space. His soft lips pressing against yours. That was before you two were interuppted by three simulataneous

"Why did you guys have to kiss in my room," Kennedy asked, her nose scrunching up like a child watching a "kissing movie".

"Hey that is probably the holiest thing that has happened in this room," Sky smirked as he flopped down onto Kennedy's bed before Josh dog piled on top of him.

The rest of the night was spent with sweet nothings exchanged between you and Ben, the boys whispering to each other like school girls gossiping in the bathroom. Kennedy and you proceeded to gossip about it all over a bowl of popcorn and corny movie you had seen a thousand times over.

And that was how you started the best summer break of your memories, with your first love.

Okay so I actually really really loved writing this and the ending. Thanks burrs-lost-umbrella for giving me this request and being a supportive reader! I love hearing from you guys so if any of you have an opinion, comment, or request, just comment or DM me. Much love - K!

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