Dear Diary (Part 1)

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  Dear Diary,

  I know these types of things are childish, but I can't help but feel that an event like this is diary worthy.  I met a boy. Well not a boy, a guy. That sounds better, right? I always felt like when girls said they, "met a boy" they were talking about a kid. But I guess this is a pretty adolescent activity so maybe boy is the right term. Anywaysss, enough beating around the bush. He's fantastic. He's also texting me a bunch of funny photos of his friends and him hanging out at the lake up north. 

  More about him though. His name is Ben. He has the most perfect curly strawberry blonde hair. The type you see only on tv, in those perfect messy curls. His eyes are not quite as dark as the ocean, but not as light as the sky. They meet right in the middle and hold the emotion and passion of both. It's mind-boggling to think I could have met someone so picturesque. 

  If you couldn't tell I'm already quite smitten, and Emily has not shut up about it. But I mean who wouldn't be smitten by a well-spoken, well-mannered guy who helps you when you have car troubles. I guess that is the one good thing that piece of garbage has done for me because it obviously can't even get me home. Thankfully Ben was able to get me to town and get someone to fix my car which just calls for us to meet up again tomorrow morning. 

  He didn't even try to make a move on me on my doorstep. He just hugged me goodnight. His warmth wrapping me up and leaving me in want for more as I watched the smile on his face reach his eyes. I imagine that brought a bright and golden reflection upon everything he saw after that. 

  God, I sound like all those girls I hate in the sappy romcoms Em makes me watch. The ones with the cute PJ set on while their messy bun dangles atop their head as hearts and stars basically surround them while they gush into their diary. I should probably stop bashing on those girls when I am slowly becoming one of them. Maybe I'll just have to sell my diary to some publisher who will get me a deal with Netflix. 

HA...One can only wish. 


                                                                                                                                                                  August 23rd, 2018

Dear Diary,

  Today, over the best cup of coffee I have ever had, I found out that Ben is an actor. Wouldn't we just be the perfect pair? The successful actor and the failed novelist who settled for writing advice columns. The story sounds vaguely familiar, except maybe it was flipped. I think it was the struggling actor and a successful novelist. Granted  I'm pretty sure he cheated on her and then left her in the end, so maybe not the greatest comparison for a budding relationship. Romance? Fling? I have no clue what to call us. 

  In other news, he has invited me to come to see him in his show on Saturday and then go out with him and his friends after. Obviously, I'm going, but I couldn't seem so quick so I told him I would text him later. 30 minutes counts as later, right? 

  My car is thankfully fixed so I don't have to walk everywhere but I may definitely opt for that option to keep my tin can in commission for just a bit longer. 

  I really have nothing else for today. Maybe it's the starry haze that is hanging over my head as Ben sits on the phone next to me talking about his favorite book and movie and asking me about mine. I'm just glad this isn't a Facetime and he can't see the stupid grin that hasn't left my face since my phone began to ring.

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