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  Photography had always meant the world to you. The way the emotions could float around the image, and the different styles. It was all surreal to you when you got to work with Glenn Cook, a fantastic portrait artist in your hometown. 

He did portraits for many dancers, like his son, Ben.  When you started working for him, he had you doing many simple tasks, like outdoor stills and such. You were sitting in your room flipping through some photos you had taken when he called you. 

"Hey, Mr. Cook," You greeted cheerily. You flicked your camera off, packing it away. 

"Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you could do a favor for me. I know you weren't supposed to come in today, but I really need your help," he pleaded. The urgency in his voice emanating off the speaker of your cell phone. 

"Um, yeah, I can come in," you said while scanning around your room for a pair of easy slip-on shoes and car keys.  "I'll be there in like 10 minutes," you said giving a rough estimate. All you got in return was an "alright," before the line went dead.  

You took a once-over at yourself in the mirror. Your Y/H/C locks shone in the glimmer of the sun that slipped through your blinds. Your outfit was just a simple pair of ripped jeans and a "Wicked" t-shirt. 

Showtunes were another passion of yours. For some reason, the way you could hear a story while also getting the satisfaction of listening to music, the deal was too good to pass up. 

You grabbed your camera bag and tossed it over your shoulder as you walked out of your and down into your living room. 

"Bye Mama, I'm heading out to the Cook's," You said as she waved you off. She was working on her, "next big novel," as she liked to claim. 

The drive was swift, the time going by even faster thanks to the music to accompany it. As you came to from your jam session, you saw Mr. Cook with a beaming smile on his face. As you got out of your car, you tilted your head slightly, "What are you smiling about," you questioned looking yourself up and down. 

"Oh it's nothing, you just remind me of Ben sometimes," he said. You were happy you could provide a bit of comfort for him. He had told you a couple of times about Ben and how much he missed him considering he was touring right now. 

You smiled at him and nodded as he waved you into the house and you saw Jill standing, well actually shuffling, around the kitchen. You gave her a short wave, trying not to disturb her work. You followed Glenn until he stopped at a door. He knocked twice before opening it, revealing a disheveled Ben. He looked jet-lagged, yet somehow charming.  He looked up at you, his blue eyes getting caught in the stray stream of sunlight that slipped through the closed curtains. They sparkled as he said "hi" putting his hand out towards you, a slight upturn to the right side of his mouth. 

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you," you said shaking his hand. It was soft except for the top of his palm, where you could feel the calluses as they grazed your skin. 

"I've heard a lot about you Y/N," Ben said, a smile spreading across his face gently. His dad chuckled slightly under his breath as he stood in the doorway, a little awkwardly. 

"I'll let you two talk for a bit, but Y/N and I really have to get going in a bit, unless you're up to tag along with Ben?" Glenn tilted his head slightly as he asked the question. Ben's smiled seemed to stretch a just a little bit wider as he nodded.

"Okay, well I'll see you two in a few minutes then," Glenn said as his exiting statement. 

As you and Ben were left alone, a shiver ran down your spine. Ben glanced at you as the sudden movement caught his attention. "You alright," he asked while unpacking his bags. He set aside his camera while tossing clothes about. 

"Yeah, um just the breeze got to me," you say adjusting your shirt. 

"Here," Ben offered you an old 'Newsies' hoodie. It was hard to refuse considering you didn't bring a coat with you and didn't want to freeze. "So, you've been apprenticing for my dad for a while," he asked, even though it sounded more like a statement. 

"Yeah, um about 6 months now that I think about it," you said. This whole experience had been an honor so it was amazing how quickly it had flown by. "Your dad tells me all the time about your passion for photos too, likes to say you get it from him," you said with a smile as you tucked away some stray pieces of hair. 

"I mean he's probably right, I grew up watching him take photos, it was his whole life. It just grew on me." Ben took a glance around the room before grabbing his camera. "You ready to head out," He asked looking down to you. You just nodded and followed him as he lead you down the hall to Glenn. 

"You two ready," Glenn asked as you and Ben entered the room. He shut down his computer before grabbing his camera as well. 

As all three of you walked out to the car you and Ben kept bumping into each other like you were old friends playing a stupid game. Once you got to the car you slipped in the back while Ben opened the passenger's door. 

"Ah Ah, mister, in the back. The trunk isn't big enough for the tripod so it's going up here," Glenn said, causing you to chuckle. Ben pouted as he closed the door and hopped into the back with you.  

Glenn started the car, pulling it out of the driveway, letting the radio fill most of the air. 

You were about a mile down the road before Glenn spoke again, "So I was thinking we could go to that historic park, ya know the one that circles around the little pond with the willows." 

"Sounds perfect to me," You chipped in and Ben just kind of chuckled at the excitement in your voice. His low laugh sounding like soft thunder on a soothing night. 

Once you all arrived at the park you were very thankful Ben gave you his 'Newsies' hoodie. The soft breeze encircled you as you exited the car. Your camera became attached to your hand as you began snapping some photos of the scenery. Secretly sneaking Ben into a couple. 

"Hey, Y/N, follow me," Ben called to you as Glenn waved you off. Ben led you to a rock, right against the pond. "Sit here and just look out to the pond, and ponder I guess," Ben chuckled slightly at his own choice of words. 

You sat as he instructed, "If you're taking photos of me then it's only fair I get some of you by the willow over there," you gestured to the one on the shore, just a few steps away. 

"Yeah yeah, now just look deep in thought," Ben ordered. You felt your face contract slightly between your brows and your head tilt slightly to the left. 

"Perfect," Ben said, "You look...perfect.." the shutter went off, causing the muscles in your shoulders to relax as you felt the pressure roll away. 

"Here," Ben offered you his hand as he lifted you off the rock. You walked hand in hand with him to the willow as he started to pose. 

"Just do what feels natural," you suggested as Ben leaned casually against the tree. It was hard to not have complete focus on him, but the photo needed to be more than about this boy you had just met. It needed to breathe against the frame. 

And then you had the perfect picture. Ben looking up into the camera, the willow dancing behind him, contracting as if it was following along with Ben's breathing. 

 "I'm ready whenever you two are," Glenn said standing halfway between the willow and the car. You couldn't believe how much time had passed considering you were now painted by the light of a nearly gone sunset. You also couldn't believe how tired you were the minute you hit the car seat. Just as the engine took in its first breath, you felt Ben's hand resting against the small of your back as you rested your head against his shoulder, your eyes resting themselves. 

Oh my gosh. It's been a really really long time since I've published, but here it is. This feels pretty perfect to me, and this is a request from narniasprincess so I just want to thank them for helping me to force myself out of this writing rut I've been going through. Please let me know what you guys think of this part and I'll try to have the next request out in a more timely fashion.

Much love- K

Ben Tyler Cook ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now