American Eagle

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Yes, this chapter is based on THE infamous "BAD WEATHER & SHOPPING" vlog. For the purpose of making my life easier, I'm going to name your aunt- Jen, uncle- Thomas, and cousins- Mariah (20), Mary-Kate(18), and Caroline(18).

You were in San Antonio visiting your aunt, uncle, and cousins. You and your cousins decided to go to the outdoor mall and get some of your summer shopping started. You guys immediately flooded into Nordstrom and you found an adorable floral print dress with a white background. As you came out of the dressing room, looking for Mary-Kate to show her the dress you bumped into a group of boys in the shoe department. They were dancing around and being typical teenage boys. You giggled to yourself as you found Mary-Kate and showed the dress off to her. She snagged a pair of white wedges on display for you and you quickly slipped them on. 

By the time you finished your purchase, you had bought the dress, the shoes, and a simple two-piece swimsuit. As you were walking out of the store you bumped into the boys again, only this time you literally collided with one of them. He was coming out of a perfect spin as he bumped into you, knocking you to the floor. The initial contact hurt and you were upset but once you looked up at him he was soft. His hair, with a slight curl, hung down on his forehead, and bright blue eyes, dimmed with concern. 

"Oh my gosh, are you okay? I'm so so sorry! I did not mean to hit you, I didn't even realize you had gotten behind me," He quickly spoke. His friends gathered around, one of them was holding a camera, another had on a simple gray and blue t-shirt, and the third had on a hoodie. They all looked around your age, and you just let out a small smile and nodded.

"I'm fine, thanks," you stated as you were about to stand. Before you could the strawberry blonde boy who had collided with you reached out his hand, "Here, let me help you." You took his hand, his skin soft, but his hands covered in callouses, and stood. You stood a little too quickly and rested your other hand on his shoulder. His eyes rested onto as you did. "You're positive you're alright," he asked again. You took a deep breath and nodded, "yeah I just stood up too quickly." 

As you released your gaze from the boy you realized your cousins had struck up a conversation with other boys. You chuckled slightly as you noticed this fact before turning back to the boy. "I'm y/n," you said reaching your hand out to the boy, attempting to introduce yourself, "I'm Ben," he smiled towards you as he connected his hand with yours. Chills ran up your spine as you made contact and shook his hand.  You spun around, feeling the heat radiating off his body, and tried to focus yourself on your cousins. "Let me introduce you to everybody," Ben said. His voice was soft and sweet as if trying to make you feel as if you two were the only ones in the store at the moment. "The boy with the camera is DeMarius, the one in the gray and blue shirt is Josh, and then that idiot over there," He said pointing at the one in the hoodie, "is Sky." You nodded making a mental note of it all. 

"Well, let me introduce you to my cousins," you started. You pointed towards DeMarius, "The one with DeMarius is my eldest cousin, Mariah. The one with Josh is my middle cousin, Mary-Kate, and then Caroline is with Sky. Oh, and Mary-Kate and Caroline are fraternal twins," You said as you stood there taking in the situation.  Ben quickly spoke to the group, "Hey, guys, how about we make our way to food, cause I could really eat, and I bet y/n could too," he said looking down at you as you nodded. The group's attention had shifted and you all moved around the mall together talking and getting to know each other. You and Ben had really clung to each other and found yourselves holding hands as you walked. You stumbled upon an American Eagle and quickly veered in. The boys wandered around and DeMarius stayed with you and Ben and started up the camera again. 

"We are at a mall here in San Antonio," Ben started as he smiled at you, "This is uhh," Ben said as he picked up a shirt. He showed the tag to the camera and whispered "American Eagle." Your cousins, the boys, and you wandered around the store and Ben eventually noticed a shirt on the wall, well his shirt. DeMarius filmed Ben pulling up his shirt and then Ben made his way to the shirt on the wall, and Josh did almost the same thing with his t-shirt. You couldn't help but giggle at how silly the boys were.

After the boys were finished American Eagle you all made your way down to Chick-Fil-A like a hungry pack of wolves. Thankfully Mariah knew right where it was so you could finally be fed. You all filed your way into the restaurant and ordered your food. DeMarius was so excited to have Chick-Fil-A he could not stop talking about it. Eventually, you got your food and Sky filmed DeMarius swooning over his Chick-Fil-A. You and Ben sat together, you leaning into him slightly, and his arm wrapped around your waist loosely. Your cousins had eventually wandered off with the rest of the boys while you and Ben were farther behind. 

Eventually, the boys had to leave and you and your cousins had to head towards your aunt and uncle's house. Ben and You kept talking, his hands running softly through your hair, his thumb resting on your cheek, stroking it lightly. You rested your hand against his waist, pulling him close for a hug. You didn't know what to say and you knew your cousins needed to return. "Give me your phone," Ben's soft voice whispered. You obliged and he typed in his number and sent himself a text. "Until next time," He softly said as he lifted your chin to look to him. He pressed his lips to yours softly, and you kissed back, letting him hold you, leaving you vulnerable, all while the world spun around you. You parted and slowly went your separate ways. And as you reached your car you looked back to see him smiling that devilish smile towards you, and you knew that you would soon see each other again. 

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