Connection (part 7)

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You stood there, holding eye contact with the sweet boy from the playground many moons ago. You were in awe of the blessing in front of you. It was almost something pulled from a dream. You felt like the main character of a novel you would curl up with on a Sunday morning with the fire burning and the coffee brewing.

"Y/N," Ben whispered, slipping his hand underneath your chin. You were so close you could almost feel his eyelashes blinking against your skin. There were no words that could spill themselves out of you now. You knew what you wanted to do.

You slowly closed the minimal distance between you two, before your lips greeted his. The kiss started off as soft an unsure, slowly warming up to the physical contact. There was nothing more you wanted to be, than in his arms.

He held you by the waist as your lips slowly separated, a meer minute having passed by. It felt like hours, and you would have loved many more hours.

"Y/N," Ben whispered gently. The sound of his voice speaking your name almost melted you in his arms. The cool breeze of the sunset gently brushed your skin, wrapping you up.

"Ben, I..." you had no words. You just wanted to stare into his eyes forever, never breaking eye contact. He brought a hand up to your cheek, gently stroking it with his thumb.

"You're beautiful." The words floated out of his lips carelessly, but the words to follow brought even more emotion forth,"I like you a lot. Like a lot a lot. I get so happy when a notification from you comes onto my phone, and I feel butterflies when I see your face and your smile."

You stood there in awe of the entirety of his words. His voice, his face, his eye, everything about him made you fall again and again. Falling harder everytime he blinked and revealed his shiny blue eyes again. You didn't know what else to say so you just slipped a hand beneath his chin and kissed him again.

Hey guys! I think this is going to be the last part for 'Connection' so I hoped you all enjoyed it! Much love and appreciation,

Ben Tyler Cook ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now