Boy Next Door (part 3)

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As you and Ben approached Kara and Josh, they greeted the two of you and Ben slipped his hand around your waist, directing you towards the diner as he waved Kara and Josh to follow. 

You all filled in a corner booth, you and Ben on one side, Josh and Kara on the other. You and Kara were on the inside of the booth, across from each other. You two were just making small talk about Josh and Kara and about their relationship. The boys were talking about school and some sports thing. 

After some nice conversation and some delicious, warm food, you and Kara head to the bathroom to "freshen up." 

"So Kara, how are things between you and Josh? I know you guys have been together for what? 6 months," You questioned as you ran your finger lightly underneath your lower lash line, brushing away the mascara dust. You couldn't help but feel slightly envious that two of your closest friends had such a healthy relationship and you had let yourself stay in such a toxic one. 

"Yeah, 6 going on 7," Kara said with a smile on her face as she touched up her lip gloss. That seemed to be the only makeup she was wearing. She had such a natural beauty, you knew exactly why Josh was head-over-heels and couldn't shut up about her. It was honestly great to see both of them so happy and all you could do was wrap your arms around Kara and give her a tight hug. "How about you and what's-his-face, I heard that it ended."

You were silent for a moment before letting out a sharp exhale, "Yeah, I couldn't take it anymore. Everything just finally added up and I realized I needed to get out before it got worse."

Kara nodded as you spoke, and it was nice to finally say it aloud. Ben had just let you come over and ignore your emotions, but you needed to talk it out. You were frustrated with yourself and for good reason.  You and Kara eventually made your way out of the bathroom, knowing the boys would be impatient. And indeed they were. As you walked out the door you were greeted with your coat, bag, and camera. You just chuckled as you took your things from Ben.

The drive up to the pumpkin farm, and the minute all of you got there you bought 'UNLIMITED' wristbands so you didn't have to worry about paying for anything but drinks and food. Since most of the younger kids had bailed already, you four bolted straight for this giant inflatable jumping pillow, flashed the worker your wristbands and started jumping. You were going to take your photos on the hayride but were waiting a good half hour so you would all be alone and could go multiple times. Your legs were starting to get extremely tired so you sat on a bench on the side and took some fun candids of your friends. Ben eventually joined you on the bench, slipping his shoes on. He took your camera from you and started snapping some pictures of you. 

You quickly covered the lens and chuckled slightly, "And what, Benjamin Tyler Cook, do you think you're doing," you questioned taking the camera away from him.

"Well you're taking all these pictures of us, and I want some of you," his voice spoke softly and sweetly, making you even more relaxed. 

"I'm meant for behind the camera Ben, not in front of it," you replied. You floofed your hair out a bit, Ben proceeded to sweep a portion of it out of your face and take more photos on his phone.

"You don't though, you look great Y/N, stop selling yourself short," he replied resting a hand on your cheek. 

Of course, Josh, the toddler he is, had to break the powerful gaze between you and Ben to complain about how he wanted to go on a hayride. You all hopped on and thanked the tractor driver. You and Ben sat on one side, Kara and Josh opposite the two of you. They were all cuddled up so you took some pics for their new lock screens. Kara then made grabby hands and started to snap some pictures. 

"Get closer you two, act like you like each other," she encouraged and sent you a wink. Kara was unfairly good at reading people and didn't even have to ask what you were feeling. You couldn't deny your feelings for Ben, but you had just broken up with your ex and needed time.

"C'mere Y/N," Ben said throwing his arm around you, holding you at your waist, pulling you into him. You snuggled into him and rested your head into his chest, closing your eyes as you listened to the shutter of the camera. There was a long pause and you knew Kara was done taking pictures. There was silence, besides the drum of the engine, and you were in your own world for a while. Your eyes genuinely became heavy and you felt Ben playing with your hair again. 

After a while, you felt a slight nudging on your shoulder, and you willed yourself awake. You were groggy, but stood up and walked off the hay bales. You guys all decided to part seeing as Kara was exhausted as well. You all made your goodbyes and Kara gave you an extra tight hug. 

The beginning of the car ride was in silence before Ben looked at you. "Y/N, do you like me, like is there any possibility of an... I don't know, an us," he questioned softly. You let the breeze that was drifting in the car fill the air before answering. 

"Ben, don't get me wrong, but everything with, ugh I don't even want to say his name. Anyways, with everything, I don't want to fuck things up. Because I really like you, and I don't want to lose you. If there is going to be anything between us, I want to move slowly."

Ben let out a deeply held inhale. You were nervous about what his following his response would be. What if he was mad? Sad? Frustrated? Furious?

"Okay. I understand."

GOD. That was the worst possible thing he could of have said. Now you have no clue how he feels. That is until he turned the radio on. God he had to be pissed. He never listened to the radio. He hated all the songs. "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran and you turned yourself towards the window. How ironic? Suddenly you felt fingers interlace with yours. You heard Ben humming softly along and you knew that would be your song. 

------7 YEARS LATER------

You, Ben, Kara, and Josh, had all returned home the fall break of your senior year of college. You were at the pumpkin farm again, and you and Kara were reflecting on yours and Ben's relationship. Kara and Josh had been married for almost two years now and are going really strong. Kara is a journalism major so she was taking a ton of photos for the school paper's website. You were walking a bit in front of Ben and Josh, and all of you decided to get on the hayride and hash out some good memories. You and Ben were snuggled up together and Kara and Josh were opposite of you again. It felt like nothing had changed, you were all high schoolers again. 

"I want a picture of the engaged couple," Kara said pulling out her camera. You were extremely confused until Ben moved onto the platform and got on one knee. 

"Y/N, these past 7 years have been the best of my life. I couldn't believe my ears when you said you liked me too, and I was finally able to call you mine. I would've proposed to you that night, but you wanted to take things slow,"

You chuckled slightly at the comment and felt tears start to trickle. 

"You have been there for me for better or for worse, and I want to promise myself to you for our entire lives. So Y/N, will you marry me?"

A stream of tears started to flow as you nodded. Ben slipped the ring onto your finger and squeezed you tight. Kara let out an extrememly girly scream and Josh just clapped. Seven years and things were almost exactly as they were. 

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