Just Down The Hall

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 So the video has nothing to do with the chapter but I really feel that Hadestown deserves a lot of love so please go give the clip a watch.

 Throughout high school, you discovered a passion for musical theatre. The only downside is that you can't sing to save your soul. So, you just worked for crew instead. Fast forward a couple of years and now you're working at the August Wilson. Or, "Living the dream" as you enjoyed calling it. The environment was fantastic for you and it was great to have a few of your neighbors in the show as well. Never a dull moment when you were all together.

It was a cozy Saturday and you had a few of your friends over. Ben, DeMarius, and Kyle were dogpiled on the floor which caused you, Taylor, and Erika to be tangled in laughter on the couch. You had a mindless radio station playing the "hit summer songs" while all of you took a break before the two show day. Thankfully your apartment was right down the road from the theater, so it was the typical hangout spot for everyone. 

Unfortunately for all of you, the alarm to leave and get prepped went off. This caused a groan from about 2/3 of the room. The only people being moderately excited for what the day had to bring was you and Kyle. Everyone gathered their stuff, mindless conversation being made glances at Ben. The way his hair bounced as him and the boys joked around with each other. The girl's talked around you, but you felt like the conversation just bounced away from you, never truly hearing anything they said. 

You locked up your apartment as everyone made their way to the exit and down the street to the theater. Everyone was jumping around on each other as the energy between all of you was buzzing. As you arrived at the theater you could feel your stomach twisting and turning as a hand turned you towards them. 

"Hey, Y/N, I just wanted to say thanks for having us over before the shows. It was nice to not have to sit at the theater all day," Ben said. The smile plastered across his face turned the nerves into butterflies as those pretty blue eyes shimmered in the sun. 

It took you a moment to collect yourself before you could speak. "Yeah, anytime. It's so much easier for people to just hang out at my apartment before the show and be relaxed than cramp the theater up all day," you said, as calmly as possible. 

Ben's smile lasted in your mind as you all entered the theater and got to work. Today was your mic rotation which was one of the easiest, but also hardest rotations. Some days were easier but unfortunately, today was not one of those easy days. Everyone was struggling with their mics in some way, whether it was tangled cords, wasn't laying properly, or they couldn't get their wig over it. 

(I just want the record to show I have no clue how working crew, or mics, or working a show in general goes. I'm just kind of winging it here folks.)

The first couple of mic fixes were easy. You held the mics down as people pulled and situated their wigs over them. You had to help Erica a bit more than the others. She had someone twisted her mic into a piece of her wig. 

"Erica... How do you even get into this situation," you asked, chuckling as you gently moved her wig around, slipping the mic through the tangled mess. 

"I don't know, I thought I had it, and then boom, the mic is in a messy situation," Erica said, a cheeky smile on her face. 

"Well, I think I've got it, just a little wiggle," And the mic popped out. "There!" You smiled as you situated her mic atop her head, using a bit of extra tape, just to be safe. "Okay Erica, now let's gently," you started with an emphasis on the 'y', "situate that wig atop that pretty head of yours."

You and Erica worked the wig gently on and into place. Once you knew everything was good you made your way into the next room. It was the ensemble boys' room. You knocked lightly on the door, "Mics" you said hearing a muttering of 'okay's as you entered the room. "Anyone need help with mics or need anything while I'm in here," you asked, looking around the room. A series of boys shook their heads but one hand raised in the corner of the room. You walked down to the hand, seeing Ben's reflection in the mirror. 

"What seems to be the problem," you asked him, looking at his face instead of the mic.

"I can't get my mic to sit right. I've been messing with it for like 20 minutes now and I just can't get it to work." The frustration in his voice was evident, causing you to chuckle lightly. 

"Well, give me a couple of minutes and I bet your mic problem will be no more," a bright smile finishing the sentence. 

You finally looked away from Ben's reflection, focusing on the mic. The ear hook was bent a little oddly so you placed it against his ear, maneuvering the wire until the mic finally laid flatly against his cheek. 

"All better," you said with a smile as tapped his cheek lightly. 

He chuckled, placing his hand on top of yours, "Thanks Y/N, you're a life saver." 

Both shows went smoothly but were definitely exhausting. You were glad you didn't have a far walk back home so that you could change into comfy pants. Unlocking your door was fantastic as you were greeted by the reassuring comfort of your home. You immediately made way to your bedroom, grabbing a pair of loose sleep shorts and a Mean Girls hoodie. You took the few steps into your bathroom, starting the hot shower. The steam already helping your muscles to relax. The shower helped wash away your makeup, along with the tension from the day. It, unfortunately (or very, fortunately), didn't wash away the vision of those blue eyes staring into your own.

You were knocked out of your daze by a knock at the door. You walked through your apartment, picking up a few things that needed to be put away, and look through the peephole. You saw a mop of messy strawberry blonde hair and knew exactly who was outside. You opened the door with a smile, although there was definitely a tinge of sleep that interrupted it from being bright and bouncy. There in your doorway was Ben, wrapped up in a blanket, his glasses crooked on his face. His hair was a mess and his outfit was almost a replica of yours which made you smile a bit more.  

"Can I come in," Ben asked, his voice barely above a whisper. The sleep in his eyes was very evident. 

"Yeah, Ben, C'mon," you said moving out of the doorway. Ben entered slowly, dragging the blanket behind him. You gently closed the door, making your way to the kitchen. "You want some hot cocoa," you offered, turning your Keurig on. 

"Yes please," Ben said, curling up on the couch. You brewed up two cups of cocoa, bringing the very warm mugs over to the couch, placing them on the table in front of the couch. 

"What's up Bubbas," you asked, joining him on the couch. He rested his face against your shoulder, resting gently against you. 

"I just didn't want to be alone. My apartment was making noises and..." His words slowly trailed off. 

You just nodded, gently running a hand through his hair. "Anything you want to do in particular," you ask quietly. You just felt Ben breathing, the air in the room quiet. You continued to run your hand through his hair. 

"You know Ben, you really are great. You're sweet and gentle and I think I'm in love with you..." you whispered softly. 

"I think I love you too Y/N," Ben whispered in reply. You looked up from him, seeing those bright blue eyes in the mirror, a smile bright on his face. 

"I thought you were asleep..." you whispered in shock as the blue eyes turned back up to you instead of the mirror. 

"I think you forgot I make my living as an actor Y/N," Ben chuckled as his smile grew brighter looking at your stunned reaction. 

"Wait did you say you-" you were cut off by gently, soft lips being pressed against yours.  As Ben pulled away you couldn't help but smile. 

"Yes, I did. Now, just sit here with me, and relax. Talk to me about your day, about anything you want. Just be here with me." The emphasis on the 'with' really proved how much care he had for you. 

You looked up into the skylight and talked about the stars. Talked about the constellations and dreams, everything you could think of you talked about with him. It all felt right. 

I spent all day writing this one and I hope you all enjoyed it! This is another prompt from burrs-lost-umbrella. I truly thank you for all your help. 

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