Sweet Tooth

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Ben You

Hey baby, I'm stopping at the store. I know you're having a bit of a rough week so I'm gonna be a little late getting back. Don't worry. I'll be back soon <3 - 8:35

Ben hadn't needed to work tonight so he was just at a dance class catching up on his tap. You, of course, had to get your period the one week that Ben was even remotely free. You were laid in bed curled up when you felt a pair of arms slip around your waist and a body press against your back. You and Ben fit together perfectly, making moments like this seem like the world stopped revolving. You felt Ben plant a kiss against your shoulder as the light cologne filled the air.  You snuggled yourself into him and he held you close. You enjoyed the moment but knew it would soon end as your stomach roared from under the covers.  "Baby, c'mon let's get you something to eat," Ben suggests lifting you out from underneath the covers. You crawled out from underneath the covers wearing Ben's hoodie and a pair of running shorts, not feeling like putting real clothes on. 

"Babe, I don't want to," you whined as he held your hand leading you to the living room in your tiny New York apartment. 

The apartment was your little sanctuary away from the busy New York streets. You felt like it was your little sliver of the midwest when you moved away from your family to branch out your life. It had little souvenirs from your childhood, family photos scattered around, stuffed animals and blankets huddled against pillows and chairs. You and Ben worked to make the apartment a cozy space that you could spend hours in without wanting to leave.  

You plopped down on the couch, hugging up to a pillow until Ben could take its place. You heard the crinkly comfort of a plastic bag. Ben that lifted your head resting your head on his lap. He opened the bag handing you a chocolate bar. You looked up at him and smiled brightly. You opened up the packaging handing him a sixth of the bar.  Even though this didn't seem like a lot, in the state you were in this was a big step. "You sure baby," Ben asked before taking the piece. He savored it as if he hadn't bought a whole pack of them. 

As you sat in the comfort of Ben's lap and hoodie you soon found Ben scrolling through the romcoms. "Bennnn," you whined, "I don't want to cry. Can't we just watch Newsies," you suggested having watched the movie with him almost 80,000 times.  Ben just followed the suggestion of turning the movie on and singing along softly at times. Even though he was happy with the Mean Girls cast he couldn't help but miss his days as a newsie. Even though you had the intention of not crying, you still found yourself sobbing when Crutchie got taken to the refuge and then had 'Letter from the Refuge'. Ben just held you in his arms as you softly fell asleep. 

Once the movie was over and Ben was positive you were asleep he lifted you up and placed you down in the bed, wrapping you up in the fluffy blanket you guys used every night. He changed into some sweatpants, leaving a shirt off knowing you would cuddle against him. You were so glad Ben had entered your life. 

I just broke 50 views and I'm so happy, like thank you guys so much for reading this, and I would love to know what you guys think about the book and what you guys would like me to write about. Please leave me a comment :)

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