Connection (part 5)

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Once you finally arrived at the car, Ben leaned against the side, next to Josh, while Kyrie was basically turning her car inside out. 

"Y/NNnnnnn where is it," Kyrie whined to you as she flopped onto the driver's seat. 

"It's in your trunk in my backpack dummy head," you said as you popped the trunk open and unzipped your backpack.  You pulled out your camera and Kyrie quickly snatched it out of your hands. 

"Sissss, do you still have the pictures from our sleepover, I want to show Josh."

"They're still on there, they should be the most recent pics."

"Thanksss, let's start heading down the pier again."

You and Ben walked ahead of Josh and Kyrie as she flipped through the card. 

"So, why aren't you in yearbook or the school paper," Ben asked looking down at you.

You just shrugged before replying," I mean, I don't feel that good about my photography, so I just never thought about joining yearbook."

"Well from what I'm eavesdropping from Kyrie and Josh, it sounds like your photos are pretty dang good."

You couldn't help but smile. 

Once you guys all got down to the end of the pier Kyrie plopped down and handed you the camera. You quick fixed some of the settings for the lighting and started snapping pictures. 

After a solid 10 minutes of taking pictures of everyone, you finally started flipping through them. 

"Y/N! I have no idea what you're talking about, these pictures are fantastic," Ben said. He snatched the camera from your hands and handed it to Kyrie. "Hey, can you snatch some pics of us?"


Kyrie winked at you and Ben hugged you from behind and Kyrie snapped some pictures. You jumped on Ben's back and you two almost collapsed into a ball of laughter. You were having such a great time and then saw Josh's hands around Kyrie's waist and his head on her shoulder.

This really was going better than expected. Maybe life was finally on the up.  

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