Lunchtime (Part 2)

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You say in your physics class twirling your head. You were distracted by Ben's scent on the jacket that held you close and safe. When the bell finally rang you were ecstatic. For the rest of the day you just had study hall so you were able to sit and text your friends.

Once you arrived in the commons, you popped yourself down at a table in the corner, putting your backpack on the back of the chair. You unlocked your phone opening Snapchat. You searched for Ben's name and opened the camera. You snapped a photo of you in the jacket and captioned it "thanks again, a real savior in physics today." You didn't really need the jacket but you still wanted a reason to talk to Ben. After the two longest minutes in your life Ben replied with a pic of the back of your head captioned "boo". Before you could turn around you almost jumped out of your seat as Ben's hands jolted your shoulders. "What the hell Ben," you whisper shouted at the boy, his bright blue eyes glossed over with tears as he laughed.

"C'mon, let's roll out," He said picking up your backpack. You stood and signed out. As a junior you finally had the ability to not sit in study hall for an hour. You walked with the boy as he was always a stride and a half in front of you.

"Bennnnnn," you whined trying to catch up. You paused for a moment before you caught up to him. Once you got to his car he tossed both of your bags in the trunk and plugged his phone into the aux. He started the car and veered out of the parking lot.

"Anything, in particular, you want to listen to," He asked glancing at you. You thought for a moment before shrugging letting him choose the music. Soon "Top of the World" from Tuck Everlasting began to play. You were both screaming the lyrics as the wind blew through the windows of the car.  After the song ended you ended you guys veered into your driveway. You opened the door on the car, walking to the trunk. Ben opened it up, handing you your bag. You reached for your keys and upon finding them your brother walked out of the house. 

"Hey Ty," Ben said smiling at your brother. You looked between the two boys, feeling an awkward tension. You headed up to the door, trying to let them have a conversation. As you were about to close the door you heard your brother angerly say, "Don't fuck it up Cook or I swear to God I will make your life Hell." You decided to ignore it and just plop down on the couch. You thankfully hadn't received any homework so you returned to the luxury of Netflix. Ben soon walked in joining you. 

"Horror or Comedy," you asked him, your eyes following his movements as he sat next to you. You noticed he sat closer to you than usual. You decided not to say anything because you didn't mind. 

"Let's just watch a kid's movie. I was thinking something like Hercules," he suggested as it pulled up on the screen. You didn't mind at all. You enjoyed Hercules a lot, plus you were feeling slightly sleepy. As the movie rolled through the first few musical numbers you felt your eyelids become heavy. The coziness of Ben's jacket didn't help anything and you found yourself soft asleep, your head resting on Ben's lap softly. As you slowly slipped into deep sleep you heard a soft whisper as a hand slipped through your hair, "You really are too good for me." 

As you awoke your mom was coming through the door. Ben's body shifted slightly and you realized that he had also fallen asleep. Your mom smile at the two of you and you followed her into the kitchen. "Hey momma," you said hugging her tightly. Even though you were a teenage and supposed to have a strained relationship with your parents, you couldn't. You loved sitting with them and just feeling like a kid. Not spending your time doing dumb stuff and growing up too fast. 

"Hey, kiddo! How are you feeling? I noticed you and Ben asleep. Speaking of which, where's your brother," your mom tackled the many subjects all at once. You looked around the house. After noting the absence of your brother you shrugged. 

"I don't know, I haven't seen him since Ben and I got back. He might've come in while we were asleep," you suggest. Your mom nodded and smiled at you leaving the kitchen headed for the upstairs. You sat in the kitchen for a moment looking for something in the fridge before feeling two arms wrap around your waist. You felt the heat rush between your two bodies as you were placed on the counter. Ben pulled a chair in front of you and sat down looking up at you. 

"Hey, so I have something I need to talk to you about," Ben started looking up at you for once. You looked deeply into his eyes, slowly becoming nervous. Ben noted the change in your behavior and immediately started to reassure you, "Hey hey hey, it's nothing bad. At least I don't think it is. If it is then I may never be able to show my face around here again," he rambled on, making you slightly more nervous. "I really like you y/n, and I would be really happy if you would let me take you out sometime," he finally said. 

You took a deep breath after a moment, ecstatic at what you were hearing. You smiled at the boy as he stood from the chair, leaning against the counter, standing between your legs. "I would be delighted, Benjamin Tyler Cook, if you took me out sometime," you replied. A bright smile spread across his face at your reply. He placed both his hands beneath your chin.

"You're so amazing, thank you so much," He said. He placed his lips against yours. The kiss wasn't hungry and passionate, but sweet and almost like a hug. 

"I'm picking you up at 8, so I suggest you change into something comfy. Don't try to impress me, you already have," Ben said as he left 

I'm gonna just continue to write a bunch of parts for this because I'm really in love with it.  The next couple of chapter will probably be text chapters. See y'all tomorrow!

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