Saying Goodbyes and Hellos

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(~Okay before you rad you should read this!! Is story is probably horrible and sucks ass because it jumps around a lot and the oc is a bit op buuuut, I was 11-12 when I wrote this and I was still experimenting with my writing style and learning about Wattpad and it's functions (honestly I hate the new updates in 2k15 I liked the old version better because they ducks everything up now) so please forgive me it's horrible cx~)

Chapter one

Akira's POV

"Please I don't want you to leave!" I pleaded

"Please my child, I must go, but before you do I have something important to tell you." Saphira, my foster mother said.

"What is it Saphira?" I asked

"I want you to go to the city of Fiore and join the guild named FairyTail, some of my dragon friends children are there. You will make good friends with them, because they are just like you! Now I must go." Saphira said

"But I'll miss you!" I cried clinging onto her light blue scaled neck.

"I know child, but I must go!" She said, irritation evident in her voice.

"But I don't want you to!" I shouted. Parting from her neck.

"Yes I do too. Now, I really must go." Saphira said, stretching her light blue tinted feathery wings, and taking off.

"I'll never forget you!" I cried out.

"Goodbye!" Saphira called out.

"G-goodbye Sa-Saphira!" I cried out, tears streaming down my face.

At FairyTail

Natsu's POV

"Hey did you hear that?" I shouted so the whole guild could hear.

"It sounded like a dragon." Lucy said.

"I wonder if it's Igneel!" I yelled running out of the guild.

Lucy's POV

"When will he learn?" Gray said, arms crossed against his bare chest.

"Gray?" I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Clothes." I said pointing at him.

"KWAA! Where did they go!" He shouted running off to find his clothes.

'When will they ever learn?' I thought as I walked towards the bar where Mira was drying a cup.

"Hey Lucy, what's up?" Mira asked giving me on of her signature smiles.

"Oh nothing, just wondering when those two will grow up and act their age."

"Well that's Natsu and Gray for ya."

Natsu's POV

When I ran outside, I saw a light blue figure fly off of a hill in the distance, giving a mighty roar.

"Woah!" I said "Everyone get out here!" I yelled back toward the guild. Almost everyone rushed out, and all gasped, seeing the blue figure fly towards Fiore.

"What is that!" Lucy exclaimed pointing towards the figure.

"It looks like Grandina!" Wendy said excitedly.

"It-it is a dragon!" Lucy shouted. Making Me, Gajeel and Wendy sweatdrop.

"Of course it is! what else would it be?"

"I-I don't know a parrot!?" Lucy shouted at me, fists raised in the air.

The dragon soon flew over our guild, pushing a gust of wind down on us, pushing some of us over.

Akira's POV

~Time Skip 7 years~

'I want you to join a guild named FairyTail' Saphira's word kept echoing in my mind as I rode the train into the main city of Fiore, Magnolia.

Saphira said that they would be some people there who are just like me. But how could they be just like me?

I was shaken out of my thoughts when I hear a whistle sound out. I guess I'm in Magnolia. I stepped off the train and made my way into the streets of Magnolia, searching for FairyTail.

It's been two years since I stopped searching for Saphira. I guess she really did leave. She left when I was ten, I'm seventeen now. But I still have hope that she will come back.

15 minutes later I found the guild. I took in a deep breath a pushed open the doors to the guild. When I stepped in everything was silent, and everyone was looking at me.

A blue haired girl walked up to me, with an exceed following her.

"Hello, what's your name?" She asked.

"A-Akira." I said shyly.

"Cool my name is Wendy, what are you here for?" She asked.

"I-I wanted to see if I could join." I said

"Well anyone is allowed to join my guild!" A small man said, walking up to me.

"I'm master Makarov" He introduced as he shook my hand. "Wendy, why don't you take this young lady to Mira so she can get her insignia." He suggested.

"Okay!" Wendy said, "Follow me." I obeyed and followed her to where the bar was, and sat on one of the stools.

A lady walked up to me. "Hello I'm Mira, I'm here to put our guild mark on you." She said, giving me a smile.

"O-okay." I said sheepishly.

"Okay, where would you like it?" She asked me.

"Ummm... On my left wrist" I said.

"Okay!" She said smiling, putting the insignia on my wrist. "There, now you are an official member of Fairytail." She cheered while everyone joined in.

I looked down to my wrist to see the guild mark in a shiny silvery light blue colour. I smiled 'I'm a member of Fairytail. I hope your proud Saphira.' I thought.

Okay so here's my new story.

Yes I'm writing about an anime. I'll be writing about other topics too!

Hope you enjoyed reading my first chapter of my new book! 😊

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