Bye For Now!

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Chapter Eleven

Gray's POV

So, today's Monday, the day I will start my 3 and a half year training with Akira to become a Fourth Generation Dragon Slayer. Wow, where have this world come to?

I got out of bed and got ready for the day, putting on my necklace and bracelet, and walking out the dormitory, and walking to the guild to talk to master. Instead of a letter we're just going to tell him our plan.

I walked into the guild, and everything was normal, even Alison had a place in our guild, and especially Akira.

"Hey Everyone!" I greeted as I walked into the guild.

I walked and sat down next to Akira. "Wanna go tell master?" I asked.

"Yes." She got up and walked to his office with me trailing behind.

"Hello master." I said as we walked in.

"We have a plan to tell you." Akira said.

"Well what is it? Makarov asked.

"We are going to act like we're going to leave for a job, but really leaving to train. We want you tell them that since Akira is at an S-class level but isn't an official S-class wizard, you sent us on an SS-class job. Also don't tell them or anyone about me becoming a dragon slayer. We'll do that ourselves when were back." I explained

"If that is what you wish."

"Thank you." And with that we left.

"Bye guys!" Me and Akira shouted.

"Where are you going?" Everyone asked.

"On an important job master is sending us on. Master will tell you details."

We both walked out of rhe guild and into the train to a small city called Bellain.

Lucy's POV

Once Akira and Gray had left master came and said that he has something important to tell us.

"As you all probably know, Gray and Akira had left for a job."

"What type of job?" Erza asked.

"An SS-Class job." The whole guild gasped then went completely silent until Natsu said something.

"AN SS-CLASS JOB!" He exclaimed. "Where are they, why didn't you ask me!"

"Sir I can't even complete and SS-Class job, so what makes you think that they can?"

"Akira has very powerful magic, magic that no one else has. And Gray is there to protect her, and help her on her journey." He explained.

"Why didn't you send one if the other S-class wizards to go with them?" I asked.

"You will see when they get back." Master turned around and walked back to his office. Well now we're going to have to wait a few years for them to come back.

Akira's POV

So we have arrived in Bellain, and we were heading to the sacred place we will be training.

"So where is this sacred place?" Gray asked impatiently.

"Over those mountains." I said pointing towards the giant mountains that formed in a circle, surrounding where we will be training."You can't even see the top of those mountains!" Gray exclaimed. "Just summon your wings." I smiled.

"Universal Dragons: Wings." I summoned wings that looked like Saphira's. White angel-like blue tinted wings .I flew up a bit and waited for Gray. "Anytime Gray!"

"Wha- oh sorry, your wings are beautiful." He awed. "Ice Make: wings." He summoned wings on his back and we flew up over the mountains and into the big grassy area where there were trees, and a waterfall flowing out of a mountain. There was also a cave where we would stay.

We flew into the cave, and our wings disappeared. We set up everything, and then started our training.

When we entered the sacred place which is celestial ground, we were put into a different time, 3 years to train on celestial grounds, is only a year in the other time.

6 Hours Later

Gray's POV.

Damn I'm exhausted. Training to be a dragon slayer is hard work. But it turns out to be awesome. We just finished eating, and now we're heading to bed.

"Goodnight Akira." I sad as I kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight Gray." She sighed. She must be tired. I climbed into my sleeping bad, and soon fell asleep.

Sorry guys that it's short, it's just a filler. 😁

Hope y'all are liking the story so far, sorry that it seems that Akira is getting all the attention, I promise there will be other POV's that come in, also more exciting stuff. Well in the anime Lucy is getting the centre of attention mostly.

Also thank you for 90 reads, even though that's not a lot either. But it's still something to be happy about!


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