Self training

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Chapter seven

Akira's POV

Today I have a day off, but I'm not going to rest, I'm going to train, working on some of my most powerful spells.

I walked out to the field, and started to train. I practised my Ice, Fire, Water, Earth, Rock, And Iron dragon slayer magic.

"Celestial Stars!" I yelled. Stars shooting from my hands towards the target, blowing it up. I panted and heard clapping, I turned around to Gray, Natsu, And Lucy.

"How long have you been watching?" I panted.

"Long enough to see it all." Gray said.

"Yeah, you really need to teach me that last one!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Maybe, it's a hard spell to learn for a beginner." I explained. "Well I gotta get back to training." I said turning away.

"Oh okay, we'll just sit and watch." Natsu said.

"No." I sternly said.

"Nope we're staying!" Teased Gray.

"Ughh fine. Shadow wall!" I chanted, collecting all the shadows in the area creating a wall infront of them so the couldn't see me at all.

"Hey!!!" They whined! "Light orb!" I heard Lucy chant. And destroyed the shadow wall.

"Why can't we watch you?" Natsu asked.

"So I can train in peace!" I yelled at them.

"Nope, we're staying here!" Lucy said.

"Gray?" I pleaded.

"Yeah, Akira wants some privacy to train. Let's leave her alone." Gray persuaded.

"What! No!" Natsu fought.

"You liiiiiiike her!" Happy teased.

"I do not!!" Gray yelled at the cat slapping him.

"All of you!" I paused "GO AWAY!" I screamed at them, radiating a dark aura.

"Y-y-yes!" The all stuttered and ran back to the guild. "Finally I'm alone." I said to myself.

Third person POV

Little did Akira know that Gray was watching her from a distance, watching her practise all her different types of magic.

Akira's POV

"Dark orb." I said a little quieter, as an orb of darkness grew in my hands. I shot it at another target, and it blew up instantly on contact.

I looked around for some water, and found a flowing stream not to far from from here. I pointed my finger at the water, it floated up in the air, and flew around in the air to my command.

I heard someone gasp from behind a tree. I shot the water towards where the sound was made, a small scream was heard, and I saw Gray walking out from behind the tree soaking wet. I laughed. "Hey it's not funny!" He whined. I stopped.

"Why were you watching me?" I asked sternly.

"Because I wanted to see all the different types of magic you have, and some of your cool spells." He explained.

I sighed, "You could've just asked for the types of magic I have, and you could've seen the magic I have, when we go on jobs, or have to fight something." I said a little more calm.

"Sorry." He hung his head low. "Just I really like your magic."

"It's okay, and I understand, maybe if we ask master, I can teach you Ice dragon slayer magic. Fourth generation dragon slayer. (Where a dragon slayer teaches someone to be a dragon slayer)

"Really? That would be awesome." He said, cheering up.

"But we'll have to see next week." I said.

"Okay." He said. And walked back into the guild. Finally I can practise is peace.

I continued to practise all day, until the sun was going down. I walked into the guild and only saw a few people left in the guild. I walked up to the bar and sat next to Natsu, Gray and Lucy, since they were still here.

They were talking to a new girl, I think her name Alison. I wonder what magic she uses.

"Hey guys." I greeted.

"Hello." They all said.

"Hey Alison, what kinda magic do you use?" I asked her.

"I-I use Elemental Dragon Slayer magic. I was raised by Saphiriana." She trembled.

Saphiriana. I remember Saphira introducing me to her sister, and her child. I gasped it can't be!

"Alison I missed you so much!" I said hugging her.

"You two know each other?" The other gasped. I nodded.

"We do?" Alison asked in shock.

I nodded again. "Remember being introduced to Saphiriana's Sister? Saphira, she's the one who raised me, I met you when I was 7. Remember?"

She gasped "Akira, it really is you!" She said hugging me once more. "Well I wish to stay more but I really must go." She said politely.

"Alright see ya tomorrow!" I said goodbye. It was just me, Gray, Lucy, and Natsu.

"So Lucy, better be prepared for our battle tomorrow!" I broke the silence.

"Yeah, I just hope I won't die." She laughed.

"Don't worry I won't kill you, I'm just going to see how you've done with practising your spells." I explained.

She sighed. "Good, I'll try my best to put up a good fight!"

"That's the Lucy we know." Natsu said. "C'mon happy lets go, it's getting late."

"Yeah, I better rest up for tomorrow." Lucy yawned.

"Alright see you guys tomorrow." I called out to them.

"Well I better get going to." I said standing up.

"Wait l-lemme walk you back." Gray offered.

"Oh, um... Okay. Thanks." I said. We walked out of the guild together, and walked towards the dorms. We walked in silence, a comfortable silence, until we reached the girls dorm.

"Thanks again for walking me." I thanked him again.

"No problem. See you tomorrow." He said and turned around to go to the boys dorm.

I walked inside and down to my room. I set down my celestial staff, and the necklace Saphira gave me, and did my nightly routine. Once I was finished, a jumped into bed, and soon fell asleep, thinking about how tomorrow will go.

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