Akira's Brother

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Chapter Fifteen

Akira's POV

(The birth mark for Akira is Blue flames and for her brothers it's purple flames.)

"Ayumu?" I whispered. He engulfed me in a big hug. "I'm so glad your safe."

"Me too." I said. "Awe don't cry sis."

Gray"s eyes widened "T-This is your brother!" He asked surprised. I nodded.

"What magic does he use?" Gray asked.

"I-I don't know, I only remember him being able to use Precoginition like Carla." I said.

"I use Poison Dragon slayer magic, and purple flare." Ayumu said.

"What does your name mean, since Akira's mean Bright and Clear?" Gray asked.

"Ayumu means Walk Dream and Vision, Gray. That's why he can use Precogintion." I explained.

"Who is this dude anyways?" Ayumu asked.

"This is Gray Fullbuster, My boyfriend. He's an Ice dragon slayer that uses Ice Make magic and Ice Healing magic." I told him.

"How long have you been together?" Ayumu asked Gray, getting all protective of me.

"A year." Gray answered.

"If you hurt her, I will hurt you." Ayumu said, empisizing 'will'.

"Y-yes." Gray said.

"Would you like to join our guild? You can stay in the boys dorm." I asked him.

"Who's the Master?" My brother asked.

"Makarov Dreyar." Gray answered.

He thought for a minute "Yeah i"ll join." Brother said cheerfully. We all walked towards the guild, with my brothers arm slung around my shoulder.

"Is Akira cheating on Juvia's Gray-Sama!" Juvia shouted. Now the whole guilds attention was on us.

"No he's my Brother. Ayumu Mitsuoko." I said. The whole guild gasped

"Whats the silence for?" Master came out of his office. "Ohh. Come to my office." And pointed to me and my brother to come with him. We followed him to his office and sat in chairs across from him.

"Ayumu, you found your sister." Master exclaimed. "Joining fairytail again I presume?"

"Joining fairytail again?" I asked.

"Yes a few months before you joined, your brother left the guild to go find you. He came to the guild a strong wizard after being trained by Viper the poison dragon. Anyways go see Mira, she'll explain everything to you." Master Explained.

We walked out of the office and to the bar to talk to Mira. "Hey Mira, miss me." Ayumu greeted.

"Haha, yeah. Where would you like the mark?" Mira said.

"Same as last time." He answered. Mira put the mark below his mark on his shoulder. "You know to still be S-class when you join again, you'll have to fight our strongest S-class and win." Mira explained. I got up to go ask master something.

I walked into masters office. "May I ask you something?"

"What is it child?"

"Who is our strongest S-class mage?" I asked.

"Can you please tell Natsu to get guildarts for me?"

"Yes Master." I walked out his office. "Natsu get guildarts for master please!" I shouted.

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