Special request?

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Chapter 22

Third person POV

The master had called off the fight saying that he had a special request for all the dragon slayers. The slayers walked in the masters office and sat down awaiting masters orders.

Akira's POV

Gramps called off the fight and told all slayers to come to his office, that means Me, Gray, Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, and Laxus. We all walked into his office and sat down. 'What if it's to kill Acknologia or Zeref. They'll find out what I did. What relationship I have with them. They'll find out sooner or later anyways' I thought.

"I have a special job for you all to take on, a coalition with other guilds." Gramps started to explain, "You will be going to take down Zeref and Acknologia on Tenrou island." I stared at him intently. "Akira will lead the group." My eyes widened.

"What!" I almost screamed, Gramps nodded.

"I've already figured it out, I asked Mystogan." He nodded. I growled at him.

"Be right back." I fake smiled. A yellow magic circle appeared under me teleporting me to where he was. When I was fully there, He was fighting a giant demon. I changed into Tatsumi and shot a wave of darkness towrads the demon. Mystogan looked back at me shocked, I walked over to him and picked him up by the back of his collar teleporting back to Gramps' office.

We teleported back in Gramps' office only behind Gramps and off to the side more. "Want to tell everyone else that information." I shook Mystogan. He shook his head no frantically "Want me to tell them your secret." He shook his again "Then tell them." I ordered. He started telling them and soon finished, I threw him through a portal that put him back to the demon.

I changed back into my normal form and walked out of the office. "Akira wait!" Gray shouted, he grabbed my wrist an turned me around to face him. "Give it a chance, he can't cause anymore trouble." He looked at me pleadingly.

"I shouldn't have come here, I've hurt so many people in my past, I have so much secrets and you know barely any, my power has killed." I said, I reached into my back pocket and brought out a black feather. It glowed black and soon a figure appeared. "I'll take up on that offer." He nodded and dissapeared 'Meet me at Tenrou' a voice choed in my head. I walked back into Gramps' office "I want you to remove my mark, I'll come back when I have learnt how to control my powers." I stated. He gave me a look but then nodded and removed the insignia on my wrist.

"Don't leave us." Natsu said.

"Will you visit us?" Wendy asked. I nodded in response. Laxus just grumbled and left.

"I'll visit when I can." I said. I walked out of the office and out of the guild, I guess word got around that I was leaving because everyone followed me out.

"Bye!" The all shouted simultaneously. I waved bye at everyone and stretched out my white, blue tinted feathery wings and started my flight towards Tenrou island for my Special training.

~Time Skip two years~

Once I had arrived I quickly got to my training, my training with Zeref and Acknologia. It's been two years since I've visited Fairytail and I am now twenty, so I decided that I would visit them today. I was walking through the crowded streets of Magnolia up to the large guild hall. I pushed open the large doors and walked up to the bar. "Hello again."

"Um sorry but may I ask who are you?" Mira asked. I rolled my eyes at the thought of them forgetting me.

"Akira Shadowind at your service" I sarchastically bowed, and sat down with my back facing the counter. I saw Natsu and Lucy making out in a Corner, Gray and Juvia sitting together, Erza sitting next to... Jellal, Nab was still standing at the job board, Elfman and Lissana talking, and Jet and Droy cheering Levy on. "I see some thing have changed." I said telepathically to Jellal, I watched his eyes widen and look towards my direction, he got up and walked next to me and sat down.

"I guess some thing have changed." He said gesturing to the pitch black feathery wings on my back.

"Those have always been there, I can blend them into my skin." I said, he just shrugged.

"What happened to Aurora?" He asked,

"She left like every other dragon did, I have an Omega now. He should be here... now." Just as I finished a Grey and grey wolf with white wings folded on its back walked in the doors and layed down at my feet. "That's Hunter." I pointed at him.

"Last of his kind?" Jellal asked I nodded, I heard footsteps approach me so I turned my head to be met with Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Erza, Happy, Wendy, Carla, Laxud, Gajeel and Gildarts.

"State your name and buisness."Erza stated sternly.

I huffed at her attitude, I got up and walked to an empty table in the middle of the guild and stood on top of it, Hunter behind me. "Hey everyone!" I shouted getting everyone's attention, everyone turned and looked at me, a few murmers and whispers were shared amognst the crowd of people "Thanks for the warm welcome guys, glad to be back." I said.

"EH!?" They all shouted. "Who are you." Gildarts approached me. "The strongest female mage in the world, Akira Shadowind at your service." I smirked. The whole guild looked at me in surprise.

"I thought you said you would visit us every once and a while." Wendy said. Gray looked at me with sadness in his eyes 'what's up with him?' I thought.

I chuckled "Yeah about that, I was so caught up in training I kinda forgot." I sheepishly smiled

"Who have you been training with?" Natsu asked.

"That my friend is a secret you will soon find out." I grinned. I sighed "Anyways I must go, I have drills to go do, good luck in your fight against Zeref."

"You're leaving already!" Happy whined.

I spread my wings out and shrugged "I have to, I have to prepare for the massive battle." With that I flew out of the guild with Hunter trailing behind.

"Don't you think you were a little harsh on them?" Hunter asked. I stopped and turned around to face him.

"They know Acknologia is my brother, and that we're both half dragon half human. Why do you think I have the blue markings?" I said pulling up my sleeves to reveal the same blue markings as Acknologia.

"I know that Akira but you didn't have to be so harsh."

"They're coming to Tenrou island in a week to come and figh Zeref and Acknologia." I spat, he looked at me shocked.

"I-I didn't know Akira I'm sorry." He apologized.

"It's fine, you didnt know. Now we have to get back and train." I said turning around and flying away.

Hey guys this is just a filler chapter, I promise to write more on the upcoming weekend. I'm also gonna try and get pictures in to match the chapters since Wattpad updated their app so you can add it on your device.

Also thanks for all the reads I really appreciate it. I'm also thinking about doing a small Q&A so you guys can get to know me, comment questions if you guys want me to.

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