Fire vs Fire

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Chapter Six

Akira's POV

I woke up this morning in the infirmary, with my head beside Gray. Oh right I stayed with him last night in the infirmary.

I got up quietly and made my way out of the guild and made my way towards the girls dorm. Once I got their I walked down the hallway to my room.

I took a shower and brushed my long hair, and put a white headband on. I got dressed in some ripped skinny jeans, black boots and a blue tshirt.

I walked out of he girls dorm and went back to the guild. I went to the infirmary to see how Gray was doing. Surprisingly he had just gotten up.

"Morning sleepy head." I cooed.

"Hey." He mumbled.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"It's nothing, just a dream from my past." He said. "I don't want to talk about it."

"O-okay. I have my training with Natsu in an hour, wanna go get something to eat?" I offered.

"Sure, just let me change." He said. We both walked over to the boys dorm. I waited outside for Gray for about 5 minutes until he came. Then we made our way over to a small coffee shop, where we ordered some breakfast.

Once we were done, we walked back to guild. "So why'd you come to Fairytail?" Gray asked breaking the silence.

"Saphira told me she wanted me to join because of the other dragon slayers." I explained.

"Oh that makes more sense." He paused. "Is it also because we're the number one guild in Fiore?" He beamed.

"Yeas that also." I laughed. We were now at the guild. "Bye Gray, see you soon!"

"Bye. Don't let that dense idiot hurt you." He chuckled.

"Don't worry, he does I get to kill him." I evilly grinned. I walked behind the guild and waited. Few minutes later he arrived.

"Finally your here!" I whined.

"Sorry I was fighting Gray!" He complained. "And... Lost."

"Haha I knew you would get defeated by him." I gloated.

"Anyways... Can we start?" Natsu asked impatiently.

"Yes I'm only teaching you a few new spells and then we're going to battle, fire on fire no other magic." I explained our plan for today.

"Alright! I'm all fired up now!" "Aye sir!" Happy exclaimed.

"The spells you will be learning today will be Fire wall, Fire orb, Cold flames, Flamed Aurora." I listed off the spells. I told him to follow what I did because it's easier than explaining.

After about an hour of learning the spells and practising them, it was now time for battle. Happy informed the guild that we will be fighting, and everyone came rushing out, even Master and Gildarts

While Natsu was having his small moment with Gildarts I made sure that I only focused on my fire magic and not my other magic. Making sure I round up all of my power.

Natsu's POV

After learning some new spells and practising them, I finally get to fight her again. And this time I won't lose!

I also got to see Gildarts. He said he had come to see the new spells Akira taught me, and to see the new members.

I made sure that I had all my magic energy ready to be used, as the battle begins.

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