New Girl

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Chapter Two

Akira's POV

"So, would you mind telling us about yourself?" A raven haired boy asked me.

"Sure, but first would you mind introducing yourselves?" I said giggling a bit.

"Oh sorry. My name is Gray Fullbuster." The raven haired boy said.

"The names Natsu Dragneel, and this is Happy." The pink haired boy said holding onto his blue exceed. "Aye!" Happy remarked.

"My name is Wendy Marvell, and this is Carla." Wendy said pointing toward her cat standing next to her. "Nice to meet you." Carla said

"My name is Erza Scarlet." The girl dressed in armour said.

"And my name is Lucy Heartfillia!" Lucy said happily.

The rest of the guild introduced themselves to me, telling me what magic they used, I found out that Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel are dragon slayers like me. And Lucy is a Celestial wizard.

"Okay, now will you tell is about you?" Gray asked again.

"Yes." I answered.

"Okay. My name is Akira Mitsuoko, I'm 17 and I'm a Universal Dragon Slayer, meaning I can use different types of dragon slayer magic. I can also use requip magic and healing magic." I explained.

"Your a dragon slayer too!" Natsu exclaimed excitedly, getting the whole guilds attention.

"Yes I am."

"And you use requip magic? Show me." Erza said.

"Okay." I said confidently.

"Requip: Heavens Wheel Armour." I chanted. I was now dressed in an armoured dress with metal wings and a silver sword in hand and twenty floating above me pointing towards Erza.

"Don't even try to defeat Ersha, she will kick your butt!" Happy exclaimed with fish in his mouth.

"Is that a challenge?" I asked, going back into my regular clothes.

"If you want it to be." Erza replied.

"Okay!" I said excited.

"Oh no." The whole guild sweatdropped.

"Let's just hope new girl doesn't die out there." Levy said, Jet and Droy nodding in agreement.

Master walked out of his office, "Be carful Akira, and Erza, just try not to destroy the guild." Master said sweat dropping.

"Aye!" We both said.

Almost the whole guild stepped outside the guild and walked behind it where the there was an open field.

Everyone backed a safe distance away from me and Erza.

Erza re quipped into her sea empress armour, I have the perfect plan!

"Requip: Lightning empress armour!" I chanted, equipping into my armour.

"Let the battle begin!" Wendy shouted.

"Water slash!" Erza called out, running towards me while her swords sent out whirlpools.

"Lightning beam!" I called out, sending a blue beam of light towards the whirlpools, evaporating them into sparkles.

"Wha- how?" Erza stuttered

"Don't underestimate the power of a universal dragon slayer who can use equip magic. Now time for some fun." I said changing back into my regular clothes.

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