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Chapter Ten

Alison's POV

Ever since that one morning when Natsu and I went out, we've been getting really close lately.

"Hey Natsu!" I greeted as he walked out his dorm.

"Oh hey Alison!" He waved and walked towards me. "I have s-something to t-tell you b-but not now. Met me at the Sakura tree at 8." He said.

"O-okay." I stuttered. We walked towards the guild.

Akira's POV

It seems like the whole week I have been here, I ended up in the Infirmary.

I got out of bed and went back to my dorm room to get for the day.

When I was finished getting ready, I walked back to the guild hall. Cana was drinking a barrel of booze. Levy was reading while Jet and Droy were being cheerleaders behind her. Wakaba was smoking. Elfman was yelling at Nab to be a man and pick a job. All the exceeds we're talking to each other. Lucy was talking to Mira about Sting. And Natsu and Gray were fighting. Overall a normal day for Fairytail.

"Oi Popsicle, you wanna go!" Natsu taunted.

"Fine flame brain" Gray retorted.

"Ice princess!"

"Flame bastard!" Erza had stepped in and stopped the two by giving them an intimidating glare. Getting them to stop.

I chuckled. I walked over to Lucy who had shut up about sting. "Do they ever run out of names for each other?" I sighed.

"I don't know." Lucy said.

"Hey Akira, Lucy!" Gray greeted.

"Hey Gray, wanna go talk to master today?" I asked.


"Bye Akira, Bye Gray!" Lucy waved while smirking, because Gray was pulling me by the hand cause he was too anxious.

We walked into master's office.

"Hello Gray. Hello Akira." He greeted. "What would you like?

"Umm.. We would like permission to leave the guild, to go train Gray to become a Fourth Generation Ice Dragon Slayer." I asked.

"Well how long will you be gone?" Master asked.

"Since I can sense traces of dragon in Gray, and he has mastered a few of the spells, two to three years." I explained.

"Okay,you may go. But you must be carful, and you will come back, you are my children after all." He said chuckling.

"Yes, thank you." Gray said. We walked out of his office and back towards the bar. I sat down beside Lucy and ordered my usual, strawberry smoothie.

"So what'd you talk about." Lucy asked.

"It's nothing." I said, Moving to go sit next to Gray.

"Hey I don't want anybody to know about this. So when we leave on Monday we'll pretend we're going on a job, we'll write a letter explaining our plan to master, okay?" I whispered to Gray.

"Okay." He said before scarfing down the last of food.

"I'm going to go see if there are any quick jobs." I said standing up to go to the jobs. I looked around and found the perfect one.

'Please help vulcan's terrorizing village on Mt.Hakobe reward 500,000j' it read well I'll do it! I went to Mira to get her approval.

"Need any help?" Gray asked over my shoulder.

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