Training Day One

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Chapter three

Natsu's POV

"Okay one rule, you hurt me, I get to kill you." She said with a straight face. I gulped

"O-o-okay." I stuttered. Was she kidding or was she not. I'm so confused.

"Okay let's start with your dragon force magic." She said

"What's that?" I asked confused.

"That's your golden flames." She said.

"Oh." I said embarrassed.

"Okay, focus your magic energy at your core, clear your mind of all thoughts, just focus on your magic energy." She said calmly.

I cleared my head of my thoughts, and focused all my magic at my core. I could feel the energy flowing through my body into my core.

"Good, now send all that magic energy through your whole body." She instructed.

I did as told and I could feel the intense energy flowing through my blood and all over my body.

"Okay." I said

"Good, now concentrate your flames around your body. Make sure to stay calm." She instructed again.

I could feel the flames engulf my body, a warm flame, a gentle, yet powerful flame.

"You did it Natsu!" Happy cheered.

"Good! You did it. And in one shot too. It only took an hour. Wanna try something else?" She said grinning.

"Sure!" I responded.

"Okay, hit that boulder without breaking it." She said pointing to a big boulder.

"But that's impossible!" I yelled.

"It's not when you concentrate and control your power." She scolded. "Now do it!"

I walked towards the boulder and punched it with flames. It cracked straight down the middle.

"See, I'll never be able to do it." I said sadly.

"Okay here. Imagine something or someone you you would never want to hurt."

Something or someone I wouldn't want to hurt... I thought for a minute until someone came to mind. Lucy.

I stepped towards the boulder and imagined Lucy as the rock. I quickly punched the rock and lit it on fire.

"Good, good. Now happy I want you to stick your paw in the flames."

"But it will burn my fur!" Happy whined.

"Trust me!" Akira said intently.

"O-okay." Happy said with a nervous smile. He walked towards the flaming rock. Jaw clenched and eyes shut he stuck is paw in. He opened his eyes in surprise to see that the flame wasn't hurting him.

"I-it's not burning me?" Happy asked in shock.

"Yes, this is called gentle flames. It's when the Mage puts his emotions into his flames. And whatever emotion the Mage is feeling that's how the flames will feel." Akira explained.

"That's so cool!" I excitedly said, jumping up in the air with glee.

"That's it for today." Akira said.

"Yeah, I'm pooped." I said exhausted. "Let's go home happy." "Aye."

"Okay see you Wednesday!" Akira said, waving goodbye.

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