Training Day Two!

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Chapter Four.

Lucy's POV

Today I had my training with Akira today. We're meeting up in the field behind the guild. I made my way behind the guild to see Akira and Gray talking. I decided to stay back a bit and listen on on what they're saying.

Gray was about to say something when Akira interrupted him.

"Shh, I hear something." She said in a whisper. 'Shit' I cursed to myself. She sniffed the air once or twice and then said "Lucy you can come out now!" I walked out of my hiding spot behind a tree.

"How'd you know it was me?" I asked her.

"I heard your footsteps, and smelled your scent." She said.

"Oh... Hahahahaha" I laughed at my stupidity.

"Anyways Gray, thanks for walking with me here." Akira said to Gray.

"Yeah no problem." Gray scratching the back of his neck, and walking through the back door of the guild.

"Okay, shall we get started?" She asked me, clapping her hands together.

"Hai!" I cheered.

We were walked towards the middle of the field when I could hear someone behind us.

"Who's there?" Akira asked turning around summoning a sword in her hand. I turned to see who she was looking at. Standing a few feet away from us was a girl with red hair, wearing a white dress with black shoes.

"Um... I'm looking for the guild names FairyTail." The girl said shyly.

"Your just in luck! We're part of Fairytail. Would you like to join?" I said. She nodded yes.

"Follow us." Akira said lowering her sword. We walked towards the front of the guild and walked in. The three of us walked up to the bar.

"Hey Mira. Can we speak to Master?" Lucy asked.

"Sure." She said giving us a signature grin.

Alison's POV

"Hello Akira, Lucy. Who may this be?" He asked.

"This is..." The blonde trailed off.

"Alison." I shyly said.

"Well Alison, are you here to join?" He asked once again. I nodded yes.

"Then why didn't you say so!" He cheerfully said. "Mira, give this young girl the mark!"

"Yes Master." The white haired lady said turning to grab the stamp.

"Where would you like it?" She asked. I pointed to my Left shoulder. She put the stamp on my shoulder and held it there for a few seconds.

When she took it off I looked down to my shoulder to see the colour of the mark. It was a shiny Greenish bluish tinted colour.

"Hello Alison, I'm Lucy and this is Akira, Natsu, Gray and Erza. Erza will show you around the guild and introduce you to everyone." Lucy explained.

"O-okay." I stuttered.

Lucy's POV

We returned to the field stopping in the middle of it.

"Okay first, I want you to clear your mind of all thoughts and focus on your magic." Akira instructed. I cleared my mind and was now focusing my magic.

"Okay now I want you do what I do." She opened her hands and chanted "Light sphere." And a golden white orb of light grew bigger and bigger in her hands.

"When it grows to your satisfaction you push your hands out. The faster it grows with the more power you have." She explained.

I did what she instructed and I made a decent size sphere. Pretty good for my first try I should say.

"Good, good. Now we're going to try Light beam. just follow me." She said.

The while time I just followed what she did and mastered the spell quickly. I learnt Light sphere, light bean, light reflector, Shield of light, and Light flames.

"Okay well that's it for today." Akira said.

"Yeah I agree." I said out of breath.

"See you later!" Akira said walking back to the guild.

"Bye!" I said walking back to my apartment. I summoned plue and walked along side of the river.

"Carful Lucy, don't fall in!" The two men exclaimed boating by.

"I know!" I said.

I quickly got home and got into a nice warm bath, thinking about all the new spells I learnt. After 15 minutes I got out and did my nightly routine. I hopped into bed and soon fell asleep, dreaming about becoming a Celestial goddess and possessing all twelve of the zodiac keys.

Akira's POV

I walked back into the guild after training with Lucy. I sat down across from Gray and next to her Erza who was eating her strawberry cake.

"Hey Akira!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Hi Natsu, Gray, Alison, Erza." I said cheerfully.

"Hey." Gray said.

"Mmhp." Erza mumble her mouth full of cake.

Alison just stayed quiet.

"Don't mess with Erza when she's eating her cake. She'll either chop off your head, or reek havoc and send you to hell." Natsu said, carfull with his words. Erza sent him a death glare. Gray and I laughed while Natsu cowered under the table.

"I'm gonna go check to see of any good jobs are available." I said, getting up and walking over to the board.

I scanned the board looking for a good job, when I came across one that had a good reward and a good task.

'In need of help, need healing herbs from Mt.Hakobe! Reward 200,000j' It read.

"Hey Gray come here!" I called out to him. He for up and walked over to where I was.

"Wanna come with me to do this job?" I asked him. "We can split the reward. 100,000 jewel for each of us." I said.

"Sure!" He said a bit excited. "Can go tomorrow?" He asked.

"Sure!" I cheerfully said. "Well, see you guys tomorrow." I said walking out of the guild and into the girls Dorm."

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