The Land Of Dragons.

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Chapter Thirteen

Gray's POV

So I was a dragon slayer all along. And Akira helped me bring back my inner dragon slayer. Right now we're flying through the land of dragons, there are so many dragons here training their children.

We landed on a floating island high in the sky above the main ground, it was bigger than the other islands that we passed. I guess it's because the six of us are all training on one island.

"Here we are." Saphira said. We all slid off of our dragons back and into the small cottage that was on the island.

"This is beautiful." Wendy awed. The cottage had a couch, and a fireplace, a small kitchen, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

"I guess we'll be sharing a bedroom, huh." Gray said.

I sighed "I guess so."

"So that means me and Natsu will share one. And Wendy and Gajeel." Alison said. Wendy's eyes widened.

"It's okay, I'll take the couch in the bedroom." Gajeel said.

Wendy sighed "Okay."

We all got settled and put our stuff away. We had all finished eating and now we were going to start our training.

1 Year Later Dragon Time

3 Months Later Earthland Time

Akira's POV

So we've been in the land of dragons for a year, and we've learnt so much! We've all learned how to grow scales, and turn into our element, me it took a little longer since I can use all types of elements.

Gajeel has iron scales. Natsu has red scales. Wendy has white scales. Alison has blue green scales. Gray has ice scales. And I have white, blue tinted scales.

This year we're working on our talons and tails. (a/n sounds weird I know) But this week we get off to rest, and spend time with each other.I was talking to Wendy when a little creature that was blue and looked like a mini dragon came and sat in my head.

"What is that?" Wendy asked giggling.

"I don't know?" I laughed.

"I'm a dragonfly!" The creature answered.

"Yes dragonflys are miniature dragons, that are usually companions to dragon slayers, but they were replaced by exceeds." Saphira explained.

"Do you want to be my companion for now? I don't have an exceed." I asked the dragonfly.

"Sure! My name is Echo." Echo said.

Another dragonfly came and introduced itself to Gray. I guess he has a dragonfly now.

"Echo?" Gray's dragonfly exclaimed.

"Pintu?" Echo said. The flew to each other and hugged, I guess they know each other.

"Why did Falcore seperate us?" Pintu asked me and Gray.

"I'm sorry but who is Falcore?"

"He's a luck dragon, he wanted wealth. So he took some of the wealthy dragon flys away, and took their wealth." Echo explained.

"Igneel and the Earth dragon Shruikan took down Falcore but realized he was under a spell from the black dragon Acknologia. Falcore is good now, he now wishes dragons and people good luck and fortune." Saphira.

"H-he was being controlled by A-Acknologia?" Echo stuttered.

"Yes, but that was Acknologia was still in our time." Saphira said. "When Akira was little, about 7 she used a powerful spell that sent Acknologia to space, and in a different time, but it's been ten years since she casted that spell. Who knows when he will be freed."

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