Lucy vs Akira

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Chapter Eight

Lucy's POV

Today I had my fight with Akira, she said we're just going to fight and not learn any spells, because you would have to have all 12 of the zodiac keys to learn the other spells.

I got up and took a nice relaxing bath. Half an hour later, I got out and put on some clothes. I wore my blue and white cross croptop and blue skirt with my brown boots, I put on my belt that held my keys and my fleuve d'étoiles.

I walked out of my apartment and walked towards the guild, excited and scared because of what she can do, also because I found a spell very Powerful that I can use, and that she didn't teach me.

I entered the guild, and walked up to the bar and ordered a milkshake before my battle. I quickly gulped down the milkshake and thanked Mira then headed out to where we would have our battle, I took a deep breath and walked towards Akira.

Natsu's POV

I don't really want to watch Lucy fight, even though she has learned new spells. I'm just going to get to know Alison, she's kinda cute. She has long red hair like Akira's and Its a darker colour then Erza's, and Hazel eyes with red in the middle. She's also an Elemental dragon slayer which is awesome!

I sat down beside her at the bar, "Hey Alison!" I greeted.

"Hi." She said quietly.

"Wanna go and do something?" I asked her.

"Sure." She said. We walked out of the guild, I'm taking her to a small little cafe where we can talk. Once we got there we took a seat outside the small cafe, she ordered an iced tea, an I ordered pop.

We were taking about pointless things, and I kept making her laugh, her laugh is adorable. About an hour later, we walked around and just chatted. we walked back to the guild where we saw Lucy being healed by Akira after their battle.

Lucy had her clothes singed and black, cuts and bruises covered her body head to toe, and blood running down her arm and face. Akira yelling at her to stay with her. I ran over to see what had happened? I thought Akira was just testing her? But I found out Lucy did this to herself

Lucy's POV

I walked up to Akira shaking a little bit. She held my shoulders so I would stop.

"Don't worry I'm going to go easy on you." She whispered.

"O-okay." I stuttered.

"Let the battle begin!" Wendy shouted.

"Beam of Light!" I chanted, a beam of light shooting at her. She jumped out of the way dodging it. She smirked.

"Light orbs!" balls of light shot at her, Akira dodging every one of them.

"Ughhhh!" I groaned frustrated.

"Open gate of the golden bull: Taurus!" I said summoning Taurus.

"My my Lucy, what a hot bod you have." Taurus said.

"Yeah yeah, get her!" I said pointing at Akira. She was just standing there, with hands on hips. Taurus froze in his tracks hearts in his eyes. "But Lucy, I can't hurt a pretty lady like her." He whined.

"Ugh fine, go back Taurus." I sighed, him disappearing back into the spirit world. I sighed once more.

"Light shards!" Shards of light flew at her. "Why aren't you attacking?" I asked confused.

"Because I'm testing you, I'll fight back when I need to." She explained.

"Fine." I whined.

"Light slicer." I chanted, blades of light sliced through the air towards her, one cutting her arm. She grunted when it hit her arm. Blood, dripping down her arm.

"Light slicer." Akira chanted, two hitting my arm and leg. I moaned in pain as blood dripped from the fresh cuts.

"You know what, I'm gonna end this." I paused. "Light Aurora!" I called out, light growing in front of me blinding everyone.

"No Lucy! That can kill you!" Screamed Akira. "That's why I didn't teach you that spell!" But it was too late, the spell had backfired and blew up on me. I fell to the ground on pain, Akira running over me.

"Healing stars." She summoned blue stars and sent them into my body, I started to feel the pain ease, but it still hurt. Elfman rushed over and picked me up and carried me into the infirmary. I could feel myself slowly slipping away into darkness.

"No Lucy stay with me!" Akira shouted at me. Natsu rushed over and asked what happened, Cana pushed him away explaining what happened. Levy was crying while Gajeel comforted her.

Wendy and I using healing spells while master bandaged her cuts and wounds. She was slowly dying but with of mine and Wendy's magic on healing her, she was staying alive just barely. I got an idea.

"Wendy thank you but please back away." I said with a faint smile.

"But why?" She asked, shedding a few tears.

"I have a powerful spell, and I don't want you to get hurt." I explained.

"O-okay." She said backing away.

"Universal Dragons: Healing Tears." I chanted. Rainbow tears falling from nowhere, landing on Lucy, leaving a blue shimmer against her skin where it hit. She was soon shimmering blue, then was glowing blue. It stopped and her heart beat sped up. Returning to normal pace.

I dropped to the ground as Wendy entered with Gray, Mira, Natsu, And Master. Gray and Wendy rushed over to me, Gray picking me up and placing me on a bed.

Gray's POV

Wendy came out of the infirmary, saying for me, Natsu, Mira, and Master to come quickly. We looked through the window and saw Lucy glowing blue, then returning to her normal state.

We rushed in, and as soon as we did, Akira collapsed to the ground, Me and Wendy rushed over, I picked her up placing her on a bed, I could sense a lack of magic from her, and I could tell Wendy did too.

Natsu summoned some of his dragon master flames in his hand, glowing a golden colour and gave it to Akira to eat, she weakly said thanks and scarfed it down. I could sense a powerful magic radiating off of her quickly after she ate it. I made a small ice flame for her to eat, and Mira gave her some of demon magic from her satan soul. She ate the magic quickly gaining some of her magic power back quickly. Now she just need some rest. After using on of her most powerful Dragon Slayer spells.

Everyone left the room, but me. I looked down at Akira, who was now sleeping.

"I hope you get better soon." I said barely a whisper. I kissed her forehead.
"Goodnight." And with that I walked out of the room.

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