The End Of The Training

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Chapter Twelve

Akira's POV

3 Years Later Celestial time

Today we are heading home, back to Magnolia. Gray has mastered being an Ice Dragon Slayer, and can probably beat Natsu.

A few days ago I sent Master a letter that we will be returning soon. He wrote back saying the guild is ecstatic about our return.

"C'mon we'll miss our train!" I called out to Gray who was lugging around. We finally got onto the train just before the last whistle blew.

"Jeez Gray." I sighed.

"Sorry that my feet hurt." He complained.

"You could of used your wings." He sweatdropped.

"You tell me that now?" He whined. I sighed. This is going to be a long 5 hour train ride.

~~Time Skip~~

We were finally back in Magnolia, heading back to the dorms to put our stuff back then to head to the guild.

Gray met me infront of my dormitory and have me a quick peck in the lips.  I remembered our first kiss.


We were enjoying a day off from training laying underneath the night sky that was filled with stars.

"Do you love me?" I asked.

"Well do you wanna see how much I love you?" He smirked.

I didn't have anytime to say anything because he had got up on his side and crashed his lips down on mine. Few seconds later he parted.

"Does that answer your question?"

"Hehe Yup." And we fell asleep in each other's arms, under the star lit sky.

~~FlashBack Over~~

"Have the disguise?" He asked.

I giggled. "Yup." I said and gave him his cloak, we were going to surprise the guild.

We walked towards the guild, and we were soon at the the doors, we hung our heads low so they wouldn't see us. We pushed the doors open and the whole guild went silent. A few "who are you's" were asked but we didn't answer, we walked up to the bar, and sat down.

"I'll have my usual." I said.

"I'll have my usual as well." Gray added.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" Mira asked us. We removed our cloaks, and the whole guild gasped, and ran towards us, engulfing is in a gigantic hug.

"Welcome back!" Everyone yelled.

Natsu bursted through the door with Happy,Erza, Wendy, Carla, Alison, and Lucy. "We're back!" He shouted.

"Wha-what's going on?" Erza asked. The crowd parted to show us.

"Akira! Gray!" Lucy and Wendy shouted in unison, the six of them came rushing towards us, also engulfing us in a hug, and the rest of the guild joined in. "We missed you." Wendy said, tears pricking in her eyes, everyone was now partying.

"We missed you too!" I said giving her hug.

"So how'd the job do, what did you have to do?" Erza asked.

"Oh umm... About that." I trailed off, grabbing Gray by the hand and rushing into masters office.

"Hi master!" I said cheerfully.

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