Vigorous Training

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Chapter Nineteen

Gray's POV

Last night Akira just ran off, I don't know why but she said she didnt want to hurt us. Everyone was gathered around a small fire Natsu lit this morning.

"Hey aren't you worried about Akira?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah, thats what i'm thinking about. Why she left."

"She did say that she didnt want to hurt us." Wendy said holding Carla.

Then we heard something, like an explosion. "What was that?" Natsu and Laxus asked in sync.

"I bet it was Akira" Mira said.

"Lets go then!" Alison said.

"No only a few of us go. Me, Natsu, and Wendy." I said. The three of us got up and ran towards the sound. It brought us to the clearing and we saw Akira, she was wearing a suit of armour?

"What the hell are you doing here?" She growled.

"We heard explosions so we came to see what is was." Wendy answered.

"Aye." Happy added.

"Well I'm training." She retorted.

"We can see that." I heard Natsu mutter. Akira shot water at him and splashed his face.

"I heard that you baka!" She said angrily.

"Who you calling idiot, idiot." He snapped, me and Wendy backed away.

Akira's armour dissapeared to show her regular clothes which were, black torn shorts, all black converse, and a black hoodie with the blue fairytail mark on it with the sleeves rolled up.

"You wanna go pyro?" She said.

"Hell yeah! I'm all fired up!" Natsu shouted.

"Good consider yourself beaten." She smirked.

"Wha-" Before natsu could finish, Akira had an orb of water conjured in her hands.

"Now leave!" She shot the water orb towards Natus and sent him flying. Wendy had alredy left because she was scared of the way Akira was acting.

Out of nowhere, I smelt an intoxicating scent, I followed the scent and it lead me to a pair of pale blue eyes. I hugged her and buried my face in the crook of her neck, taking in her scent.

"Figured it out yet?" She asked.

"Figured what out?" I asked.

"Mating season silly. Male dragon slayers get more protective over the one they love, and Females get more aggressive. Our senses also inhance." She explained.

"That explains a lot, so that's why you said you didn't want to hurt us." I said

"Yeah, also because of my power." She sighed.

"May I train with you?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, wanna tell the others telepathically?" He asked


"Hey guys Gray's gonna train with me for a bit, we're training with our switch magic." Akira said.

"Get it Gray." Alison laughed.

"Nah, I already have it." I joked. Akira looked at me with wide eyes.

"Anyways see ya'll later maybe." Akira said, then cut off the connection.

"Alright, let's start." Akira said.

"Maybe later we can out and do something?" I smirked.

She ignored my comment and started to train, She taught me how to use all of her magic and how to control it, also some of her angel slayer magic. We started training at seven in the morining and it was now four in the afternoon.

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