The S Class battles.

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Chapter Fourteen

Natsu's POV

So today I'm going into the S-Class battle. It's going to be tricky to defeat Akira, but luckily Gramps restricted her from using her Unversal Dragon Slayer spells. But I also have Gajeel to worry about, i'll just take out Gajeel and the Akira, no problem.

It was 9:45am, fifteen minutes until we have to meet in the field. I decided to work on a strategy, i tried to think of one but failed. I ran into the guild hall "LEVY!" I shouted.

"She's in the library." Mira answered. I ran towards the Library, and saw Lucy, and Levy reading. "Hey Levy, I need your help." I said as I approched her.

"Sure what do you need help with." She replied.

"I want you to help me make a plan so I can become S-Class."

"Oh that's today. Sorry I can't help you with that. Master strictly said not to help anyone." She said.

"Oh." I ran out of the guild and to the backfield where everyone was waiting.

"Late as always." Gray said, and everyone sweatdropped.

"Okay so I changed the ways we will do it, there will be three victors, but only one can become S-class. I'll explain the rest once we have our three victors. Akira versus Natsu. Gajeel versus Wendy. Gray versus Alison. Gray and Alison you will go first. And why we're having it back here is because Tenrou was damaged because of Acknologia." Gramps explained. Dammit, I'm versing Akira, now I know this will be hard.

Gray's POV

Well i'm versing Alison, and we were up first. Master had made a ring for us the battle in, it was a huge ring so I didnt have to worry about getting knoked out.

"Let the battle, Begin!" Gramps shouted Alison instantly charging towards me. "Water dragons: Roar!" Water was rushing at me at high speeds. "Freeze!" I countered before it could hit me. The water froze up to her hands, freezing them in the ice. I grabbed the ice pillar and threw it into the air, bringing Alison with it. I smashed it into the ground, created a dent in the ground where she had hit the ground.

"Ice dragons: Roar!" Ice and snow came shooting towards her, put she has put up a shield to block it. She smirked.

"Ice dragons: Roar!" She chanted, ice and snow coming towards me. I quickly opened my mouth inhaling the blast, and eating it. "Thanks for the meal, now i'm energized!" I smirked. "Ice dragons: Iron fist!" I chanted, my fist being encased in ice, as snow trailed from it as I charged at her, hitting her in the gut then the face, knocking her out. Mira and Elfman taking her to the infirmary to be healed.

"Our first victor is Gray." Master called out. I stepped out of the ring and sat next to Akira. "Congrats, but if we fight i'm not goin easy on you."

"Oh like I wont go easy on you either."

Wendy's POV

I have to face Gajeel, I stepped into the ring and master called out that the battle has started. "Sky dragons: Roar!" A gust of wind came rushing towards him, hitting him the face. When the wind had died down, his face had cuts and scratches on hit.

"Iron dragons: Iron fist." His arm had turned to iron and came rushing at me. I quckly dodged, him hitting the ground. Gajeel had an evil look in his eyes, like he wanted to kill me.

"Sky dragons: Crushing Fang!" A whirlwind cloaked my hand as I striked him twice on the chest and on the face, cutting him with wind, leaving deep cuts on his face and chest. He doubled over, clutching his chest as the pain came.

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