The epic battle between Good and Bad

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Chapter 23
Zeref's POV (Bet you didnt see that coming XD)

Akira has just gotten back from her visit to Fairytail "Welcome back, ready for our sky training?" I greeted.
"Yup lets go we only have six days to train and beat them." She grinned evily

"You know Akira you have so many names, which would you like me to call you by. Even though I call you by Akira I want to know what you prefer." I asked Curiously.

She stood in thought a moment before she spoke "You can just keep Calling me Akira since that is my birth my name." She said. I nodded in response and flew up into the air while Akira trailed behind.

"Let's get started with your agility." I started.

~Time skip to the fight (Because I'm lazy af) brought to you by Gray's stripping problem~

Gray's POV

Why. Why does it have to be her, she keeps leaving and coming back. Why does she have to be so, so mysterious. And yet I have to fight her.

The last few days everyone in Fairytail has been training, even Gildarts and Jellal "Alright everyone!" Master called from the stage, the guild tuned in. "As you all know today we are going to battle Akira, Zeref and maybe some other people! Be prepared and make sure to be on your feet, we do not need mages dying today!" Master stated "Because we are Fairytail and we will win this!" He shot up his hand with his index and thumb extended and the rest of the guild followed. "Now let's go kick some ass!" We all rushed out of the guild and onto the giant ship that will take us to Tenrou Island.

Akira's POV

I sighed. I wish I didn't have to fight them, especially my mate. "Ah Akira prepare yourself. I can see the ship approaching. Remember dragon only when needed." I nodded. Zeref announced. "Acknologia you watch from the skies, come in if you see us struggling." The dragon nodded.
The large ship washed upshore and the guild rushed off, bearing weapons in hand. Makarov strided to the front of the crowd to face me and Zeref and Acknologia flew up. Everyone of fairytail was here, watching our every move. When Makarov and Zeref were done talking they backed up."You know Zeref I could knock them all out in one spell." I smirked back at him. "No I want to watch them suffer." "Fine." I grumbled. I felt dark energy flowing throughout my body as I opened my demon eye, a blast of black magic pushed them all back as I closed my eye. "Akira!" Zeref scolded. I rolled my eye "I know I was just playing with them you know that's it's not that powerful."

Soon enough everyone in Fairytail was throwing magic and weapons at me and Zeref wasting all their energy. I got up from where I was sitting and threw water at Natsu which got him pissed. "AKIRA!" He shouted. I snickered and threw fire at Gray "Nastu you asswipe what'd ya do that for!" "That wasn't me you popcicle!" They broke out into a childish fight and everyone sweatdropped.

I walked over to Zeref and sat down next to him. "Where did I go wrong?" I sighed, I eventually got bored and used telekinesis on the guild members making them fly around and throw them into objects. "You know what, I'm going to go mess with Makarov." I got up and walked to Makarov "Hello again!" I chimed. "Hello Ak-" I cut him off by striking him in the face with dark magic. At the moment all of the fights that we're going on stopped.

Acknologia snickered from above "You guys should just leave, you know you're all pathetic so why try." He said in his deep voice. I grew into my dragon form and took off with Acknologia into far away lands.

Here's my chance to start new, and have a stress free life.

Okay guys I'm sorry it took me so long to update I fucking hate school.

Anyways this is the end I might write a sequel to this. Thank you all for reading this if you did!

Potatoes ~Emily

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